Completed My Son's first figure


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A Fixture
Mar 8, 2010
Cornwall, Uk
Hi guys I promised my boy that I would post a picture of his first model figure which he is really pleased with. He's five and has special needs so its a great effort.



cheers Guys
I'm sure you both had great fun doing this. You can't beat creativity......he's got a pretty convincing optical camouflage look going on here. Well done Tom (y)
Nice one ....great to see him painting doubt it won't be his last so please do share

...deserves a big many hug!!!!!


Thanks for sharing Monty and son(y)

A fine piece of work very well done.......Keep an eye over your shoulder Simon, the lad will soon be over taking you.
Looking forward to his next piece. (to give him full credit has he not got a name)
All the best to you both,
Carl, I hope five year old Tom has taken to it too, that would be very nice but most of all I hope HE'S NOT BITTEN BY YOUR AVATAR!!
Going to Robert Ables militaria in New York as a tyke looking at a figure by Ron Tunison of a confederate drummer about 7 inches high. Stadden, Rose and Phoenix pirates. The fire was ignited. oils and brushes. french uniform plates. Peter Blum bless his heart giving me a figure to paint. at 10 yrs old a magic world of old leather cloth, feathers, gold braid, gilt metal and glory. cheers Tom and nice job. I think I'm getting old.
Brilliant start by Tom - both my kids started about that age and have progressed in the hobby. The main thing is that it is something that you can do together. There is not enough emphasis on creativity by kids at the moment, IMO!
well done,
That's great Simon, we always need new recruits.
You can let him know he's already better at it than me and I've been trying for some time.

I agree with Mark, been painting for years and already he beats me.
Big thumbs up to your lad, I hope you pass all these messages on to him.
