Hi all, well having been told by my partner to stop hanging around the hospital and get back to the bench I thought an update would be in order.
I won't bore you with how I painted the face as there are much better face painters here on PF. All I will say is that the same technique was applied to the face as on the rest of the bust except the metals which I am showing in this update.
To begin with I apply a base coat of Vallejo Model Colour acrylic Bronze + Dull Steel mixed together in equal parts to the whole helmet. I have also worked the arm flesh to blend with the face.
I give this about twenty minutes to dry and switch back to oils for a scrub coat of a mix of Burnt Umber + Paynes Grey with a little Burnt Sienna. Then thin this back as usual with the make-up brush. You can apply more pressure than usual as this buffs the underlying acrylic and gives it a nice sheen. I then hi-lite with a dry brushing of Vallejo Steel. Next I apply a scrub coat of pure Paynes Grey and thin this back with the make-up brush using heavy strokes to buff the acrylic again. Lastly, I dry brush a lighter Steel for effect. You will see in the pictures where I forced the flash to fire how much of a shine you can get with the extra pressure applied when thinning back the oils. Once I am happy with the hi-lites, I give the helmet a final buff with a clean dry make-up brush.
Head is pretty much done for now. Any final tweaks will be done when it is on the torso. I did the Tork, (neck band) in the same way, but added a hint of Copper to the Silver along the top to give a reflection from the skin.
Hi Steve, only just put it up mate, so you didn't miss any. Face is done using exactly the same technique as always. I did not shoot SBS of face because I think they are my weakest area. Glad you like it tho.
Hi Ron,
I hope your partner is on the mend, at least you have been chased back to the bench and what a return. This is pulling together very nicely and a very informative SBS. See I'm on my best behaviour - no monkeying around.
Hi Ron,
I don't like to admit it but they are a lot tougher than us mate, when mine was in a few months ago she was priority and I got never got on the bench for 3 months. Keep those updates coming Ron, because I'm going to have a go at this technique when I get my blusher brushes sorted, but I won't go done that road again.
Ok, you asked for it!... Does 'Viagra', truly work??,... Bugger, wrong site!......,.. The, Buffing of these 'Metallics', was this brush only?.. or.. soft cloth, as well. As the patina, is excellent.
That explains why I am always looking at the bloody ceiling!!..........., Have you ever tinkered with a 'Power-Tool', on a low setting, with a polishing brush?... it is very effective on white metal...
Never on resin as I don't think, even at low speeds, the build up of heat would be good for the surface adhesion of the paint. With white metal it is the metal itself you are polishing and it is ok if you want that 'showroom' shine. For me it is the challenge of getting paint to fool people into thinking it is metal.