Hello and thanks to everybody for all your words for my painting work.
In order of details, Eduardo Garcia I have to say that I have not problems for painting more details and freehands, but there are ribbons sculpted on the flag abd there are not enough details for painting, If I paint ribbons and freehands near of parts sculpted theyíi not be realistic, the 3d of sculpted parts will not be in compliance with my paintiong ribbons, It would be better painting all the details and freehands on the flag or it would be better that all the details and freehands were sculpted.
I show you a example of a figure thata I painted for a private collector. All FreeHand are poainted by me with the best details.
They are 54 mm figures and they are very old pieces, not very well sculpted.
Is only a example of my work for understanding what I say.