Hi guys!
I've been a visitor to the site for a long time and admiring all of your amazing works!
However, lately i'm getting frustrated with my attempts to finish my first miniature!...I just always hit a brick wall and decide to start over.
Anyway, I've decided that if I'm really going to improve I need YOUR help! I need to know where i'm going wrong and how to improve. So my plan is to upload pics at different stages so I can get honest feedback and advice....and hopefully I can finally finish a figure!
Just a bit of background:
The first 'proper' figure I bought was a 54mm Andrea model of Kevin costner from Dances with wolves, so this is the one I will attempt to finish!
I have read books by Shep Paine and since then have used the method of priming, acrylic basecoat, followed by shadows/highlights with oils.
Really need any help and advice I can get! And i'm not afraid of criticism
So i'll get the figure stripped (again!!) and primed and post a pic to get started...
P.S. I hope this is in the right part of the forums?
Thanks guys,
I've been a visitor to the site for a long time and admiring all of your amazing works!
However, lately i'm getting frustrated with my attempts to finish my first miniature!...I just always hit a brick wall and decide to start over.
Anyway, I've decided that if I'm really going to improve I need YOUR help! I need to know where i'm going wrong and how to improve. So my plan is to upload pics at different stages so I can get honest feedback and advice....and hopefully I can finally finish a figure!
Just a bit of background:
The first 'proper' figure I bought was a 54mm Andrea model of Kevin costner from Dances with wolves, so this is the one I will attempt to finish!
I have read books by Shep Paine and since then have used the method of priming, acrylic basecoat, followed by shadows/highlights with oils.
Really need any help and advice I can get! And i'm not afraid of criticism

P.S. I hope this is in the right part of the forums?
Thanks guys,