A Fixture
For those of you who have the same disreputable taste in reading matter as me, there is about to be published a new George MacDonald Frazer book
. It is not a Flashman, it is an early work of his that was never published and was kept safely wrapped in the bottom of a safe for sixty years. Apparently he always had a fondness for this book, and after his death, his children decided to have it published. The title is "Captain in Calico" (Yep, a pirate story about Calico Jack Rackham). It's being brought out in August by Haywood Hill Booksellers, and then on general release in September.
To all MacDonald Frazer fans,that's got to be a BIG Ahhrrr harr me hearties and Yo ho ho an' a bottle o' Rum

Best wishes, Gary.

To all MacDonald Frazer fans,that's got to be a BIG Ahhrrr harr me hearties and Yo ho ho an' a bottle o' Rum

Best wishes, Gary.