As with all Nuts Planet work the sculpting is superb.
My issue with it is it's clearly fantasy as was the films manipulation of historical fact.
By all means call it Mel Gibson as Braveheart but not William Wallace.
Nuts Planet quality is second to none and in my humble opinion has gone quite some way in raising the quality bar. The sculpting and the painting of this bust is nothing less than world class
There are no verifiable images of William Wallace we can't even agree as to where he was born, with candidates from as far north as Aberdeenshire to as far south as Galloway.
Whilst any face will do including Gibsons, what should be possible is getting the dress right. Wallace being of minor nobility would have worn very decent armour etc, better than a well appointed man at arms but not as good as that of the Lords of Scotland.
By the time he became Guardian he would be wearing high quality armour.
What has to be remembered is that by the 13th century Scotland had healthy trade arrangements with continental europe (sound familiar??????
this will have included a healthy trade in arms and armour.
Along with Andrew Murray, Wallace signed the Lubeck letter to the mayors of Lubeck and Hamburg aimed at building trade relationships.
Sorry guys I digress........away to paint my face blue and head down to the shops to buy some german beer, italian pasta and french cheese.
.....they may take our lives, but they will never take our PISHY WEATHER ......