WIP New Wizard.


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I saw this exhibit here in LA ,and just found the web site for the figures most of the figures are in full gowns of one type or another When I saw them I thought they were amazing. I also thought they could serve as inspiration for figures even for figures like the one I am doing now.

I know it is not traditional but I am leaning towards a high medieval style of hat for this medieval inspired wizard. What do you all think?


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I have only gotten a little done in the past couple of days I am going to scrap the head I sculpted for this It was only the fourth head I have sculpted in this scale. I thought it looked okay, but the more I looked at it and saw the flaws. I knew I needed to change it out. I used a stock head from the Kings Road extras I have around. I am using the Buster Crabbe head. It will be changed I will add a beard and change the hair. I tried three or four different ones before I decided on this one. It really worked the best. I got one of the under sleeves done and was going to sculpt what amounts to a dickie of the under doublet today but had too much shipping to take care of. Hopefully I will get more done tomorrow.


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Got a bit more done this week. Not sure exactly how much of what I have added will still be visible under this Cotte. I plan to have it split in the front and on the sides which was common to allow freedom of movement. I am sure it allowed more freedom when riding as well. Trying to figure out a way to make uniform buttons for the coat. I still need to add the buckles and straps to his boots as well.


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Made soem good progress today. added buttons to the under doublet. Thought I would go blind working with the little things. Then stated to add the over robe starting with the lower panels on the front of the garment. Now the figure starts to feel like it is moving. I want to add more but I need to let the first two set before moving on. I will also need to add the buckles to the boots before I do too much more it could get difficult if I try and do it after the other panels are on.


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Got the bottom panels mostly finished today, and stated to smooth out rough spots with some Aves putty. It looks a little dirty because I was using my rinse water. I really need to scrub out the cup. I changed the water, but did not scrub it out like I should have. It was not really and issue as far as painting because the last thing I did was some ground work where I was not worried about perfectly clear rinse water, but it makes the Aves look muddy.


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So have not updated this much this week have made progress the outer sleeves have been added and are dry. In posing them they stretched a little and the detail was flattened out So today I will need to add that back in with Magic Sculpt so the sleeves will have a little more volume then they have now. With the magic sculpt I can blend that in to the rest of the sleeve with a brush. View attachment 95803View attachment 95804


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Finally a update for this little guy. Worked on the hands today, now we can see the whole figure with all body parts present. Now on to the hat all the detail parts. I did notice when looking at the photos that some of the fingers seemed kind of fat, and I have worked on that.


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Adding the straps to the boots I am going with the thinner of the two it looks better to me . Now to make the tinny buckles to go with them. Where is my optivisor?


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Update for the wizard. I did start to make his belt the other day. I had a pice of rolled out Duro I had cut in to a long strip that I thought would be the perfect belt. it was flexible and really looked like a belt ,but when I got it on the figure it was just a little too thick. So I took it off the figure. I started a new one with some thin plastic strip. As I was doing that I started to notice lots of little areas that need smoothing. When you have the figure off the base, and are looking at it form odd angles this stuff starts to pop. Some folds need a little carving to make them deeper and cleaner. Lots of sanding with very small pieces of find sandpaper to smooth and polish transitions. It was work that need to be done, but not something that makes for good progress photos. I did get the straps and buckle done on his boots. When I was shooting the transitions I made the toe of the left boot a little less thick. Once I get the belt and pouch done I will post some more photos.


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Finally a small update. Sculpted this beard. Decided to use some leftover Duro for the padded roll of the chaperone. When all is dry I will add the cocks comb and liripipe, which on this style of hat is a lot like a scarf.


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Looking great Jeff. I assume this is a one off.

Actually I plan to produce this figure. Once it is finished I will take off the arms and any other part that needs to be separated for easier casting and rework those joints so they fit back together nicely. So as it stands now I will remove the arms, hands, bottom rear panels of the surcoat and the pouch with is still to be done. Beyond that I am not sure what will have to come off. The hat may also come off but I will just have to see how that looks when it is done. This will all be a learning experience for me.
Actually I plan to produce this figure. Once it is finished I will take off the arms and any other part that needs to be separated for easier casting and rework those joints so they fit back together nicely. So as it stands now I will remove the arms, hands, bottom rear panels of the surcoat and the pouch with is still to be done. Beyond that I am not sure what will have to come off. The hat may also come off but I will just have to see how that looks when it is done. This will all be a learning experience for me.
You just made me a happy boy(y) This ought to sell like hot cakes!
I like the idea of fantasy having some grounding in reality. I love the clothes of the late 15th century. I want to move into other historical areas, and this figure was a way to kind of do that. The next figure will for sure be that. I am doing an Irish Gallowglass. I spent a lot of time doing research on the 15th and 16th centuries as well as a bit of the 17th. They say do things you love and I really like the 15th and 16th centuries So why not make figures that reflect that interest. I cannot tell you how many times I have started Irish figures of the 16th century and not finished them. I still have some of them. Well that changes now. It is funny the Irish fashions of the 16th century were influenced by the late 15th century fashions. The large Saffron shirts worn by the Irish Kerns and Gallowglass in the 16th century seem to be direct dependents of the angel sleeve gowns of the proceeding century. I may start work on the new figure this week. My main focus will be to finish this figure. There are times I have down time while I wait for things to dry. I can see that will be the case with the parts of the hat that will need to rolled out and posed so they are being blown in the wind like the sleeves.

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