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I don't mind the subject of Hitler being done, and with the exception of the head I actually like this figure, but because it is meant to be a portrait, I think it is a fail. Like I said, it isn't the subject matter here that bothers me, I think there is a place on the market for NSDAP heirarchy (let's face it they are infamous and the uniforms are kinda cool), but so many of the figures on the market suck. As far as the Roman, I don't how accurate it is, but yet another static aquilifer--yawn. A well done legionary doing mundane stuff, now that I might buy even though I only have one Roman in my grey army.
While I am ambivolent regarding the Hitler figure I cannot believe that Andrea are not more imaginative with their releases....yet another Aquilifer surely the Romans have been done to death in all scales!

Don't like both.
First, Hitler don't look like Hitler. (politics are not a issue for me, because almost every "important" person in history has blood on his hands).
Second: i've seen better aquilifers then this one.

The aquilifer is a figure of Birreme (LP-09)!! It is not really novelty! ;-)
Hear, hear Marc
Andrea has not done too well this month, I'll donate my hard earned cash to the smaller manufacturer such as Stormtrooper (no third reich pun intended)

if one is so politicaly correct one should avoid figures of Dschingis Khan-Ivan the Terrible-or other chaps which did kill million of people during their reign.

That is absolutely true, I agree 100%.

But : neither Genghis Khan nor Ivan the Terrible, or Vlad Tepes, Attilla the Hun, Jack the Ripper, the Holy Inquisition, Al Quaeda and other mass murderers, have such an appeal for unhappy, frustrated people with disturbed minds.

an example : I meet otherwise quite normal people, modellers, at the modelling club, who build mainly German AFV's and german figures, and some have financial or emotional difficulties, and in their bitterness and frustration they blame everything that goes wrong in their lives on foreigners and ethnic minorities, and one step further is that they start glorifying the nazi regime - of which they heard something as an aside when they do research for their AFV's about WWII. They typically say stuff like "Hitler should return and deportate all them filthy arabs" etc.

That is just a fact that I regularly see at the modelling club where I go, nothing else, it is not a political opinion of mine, just a fact that I observe regularly.

And believe me : such people do buy this kind of figures. But most are somewhat reluctant to come out with it in the open ;)
If you don't like them then don't buy them. If you don't buy them, they will quit making them. Why make such a fuss over this.:)

indeed, you're right, this isn't worth making such a fuss over :) maybe that is just why they now and then make such figures, to see if we make a fuss :) :)
Dont mind the subjets but I expected something better from Andrea. These are just not that existing.

Which brand made a Hitler figure from the last footage of him when he is handing out Ironcrosset to Hitler Youth just a few days before he chews on the Walther?

Janne Nilsson
Here are the Color versions


i think Pauls idea to convert him to Hinkel this wonderfull Charly Chaplin persiflage.
from the movie would be an very nice idea.
maybe together with Benzino Nappoloni in the wonderfull spaghetti scene
good idea
an example : I meet otherwise quite normal people, modellers, at the modelling club, who build mainly German AFV's and german figures, and some have financial or emotional difficulties, and in their bitterness and frustration they blame everything that goes wrong in their lives on foreigners and ethnic minorities, and one step further is that they start glorifying the nazi regime - of which they heard something as an aside when they do research for their AFV's about WWII. They typically say stuff like "Hitler should return and deportate all them filthy arabs" etc.

You are ablosutely right!
Are we even sure this is serious? Not knocking Andrea...too much...but the painted versions are no where NEAR Andrea's usual standard. And photographed on a piece of carpet? WOW! As to Hitler? Well, what can one say that hasn't already been said? Not a fan of Hitler figures but I'm even less of a fan of telling others what to buy based off of my opinions and beliefs. To each their own......

Jim Patrick
It's not the subject matter that bothers me so much but more a question of WHY? While there are a lot of subjects done to death there are still numbers of untapped subjects from other periods that would make great kits. I definitely was not looking to get into some kind of moral debate and like Gordy said it's a NEWS RELEASE. ~Gary
i think Pauls idea to convert him to Hinkel this wonderfull Charly Chaplin persiflage.
from the movie would be an very nice idea.
maybe together with Benzino Nappoloni in the wonderfull spaghetti scene
good idea

I actually think Andrea did a 54mm figure of Chaplin in that role. ~Gary

Lame that they call him "The Speaker." Were they afraid they'd get sued by his estate for doing a figure without paying royalties? Surprised they didn't paint a reverse swaz on him so they can sell it in Germany.

That's the most positive thing I can come up with.

I agree with Gary. The issue is lack of imagination.
Because of Euro, we've seen a pile of interesting sculpts recently. Even during the summer, it seemed we were seeing much better new sculpts on a regular basis.
Hey, I have Andrea figures on my shelf and in my grey army, and I'll undoubtedly add to the stash in the future. I'm not being hypocritical here.
One of next month's releases may become my favorite figure - who knows?
But for this month, I think they made unimaginative choices - the Roman is similar to sculpts already in the marketplace, and the Speaker is . . . not something I would ever consider purchasing. I understand that there are folks who will buy this, and that Andrea has to cater to the buying habits and wishes of its customer base. I just can't believe this product is what they chose to put their name on.
So, the press release informed me of coming products. Mission accomplished.
Most new figure release announcements generate a few "Hey, that's nice" posts, followed hopefully by a review, and eventually, a painted piece in the galleries.
This one generated a conversation, some opinions, and perhaps a little tarnish for a company we can all agree has done more than its share to advance the art and technology of our artform, and no one's even seen a copy yet.
Maybe Andrea guessed that they would get this type of reaction, but feel confident that both pieces will meet sales expectations. For their sake, I hope they're right. The alternatives are too depressing to consider.
Yes it may not be everybody's cup so to speak, but let's not forget that Andrea have come out with some really, really nice releases lately, probably the best ones out of most manufacturers in recent time. Custer, Teddy Roosevelt, 7th Cav Trooper, Viking Fury etc etc.

Every release cannot be up to everyones expectations, all the time, we have seen this with EVERY manufacturer out there. Besides, I bet people have bought a ton of the previous 90mm third reich figures including the previous Hitler figure and the other nasty SS dude and this one will be no different.
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