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Now that I am on a better spot on planet earth I can see the attached pics and then the painted versions too. And I have read even more comments. And I have the following things to say about Andrea this month:

1. The Roman figure is really lack-lustre. There is nothing about it that says anything about Andrea's reknown artistry.

2. To me Andrea is only 50% about recreating history. The rest of it devotes itself to reinterpreting existing subject matters by deliberately redefining facial structures and body proportions. For want of a better word, their "cartoonish" takes on things from fantasy to sexy ladies to actual history are really something of a rare delight.

As such, I am mildly bemused as to why this Hitler figure is being attacked on the "likeness" front. Andrea does not mind "likeness" so much as it does in capturing a mood. I would declare Andrea a much better firm than most others (yes, even Pegaso) when it comes to the story telling element of a constructed kit. It's almost like they possess the mind of a genuine film maker.

This is not to say I am 100% for this new Hitler kit. Got to admit though 90mm serves it well. And the paint job is Andrea all over, which is very fine.

As to the Politics of this all, as an East Asian whose grandpa fought bravely against the Japanese Imperialists maybe I have a better right to voice when some figure firm hits that "Japanese" button. I am sympathetic to parties offended by the never-dying return to Hitler subjects.
If you are going to produce and paint a figure of Hitler, then you should at least have the moral courage to paint the swastika on the armband. We live in an odd world where it acceptable to produce a figure of Hitler, yet not reproduce the swastika (applies to everything from Airfix Luftwaffe aircraft to models of German ships).

I have found it bemusing that the losing sides have the most appeal. The Nazis and the Japanese lost WW2, the French, the Napoleonic Wars, yet the most popular figures by far are of Nazis and French Napoleonic figures.

Personally I will not model Nazis (i.e. SS), but have modelled Wermacht figures, but to each his own.

Andrea seem to have a fairly warped sense when it comes to their recent WW2 figure releases (why Heydrich?).

Happy Modelling,

well i think the term Nazi suits only the political inspiration of the single can not call the SS the bad nazis while the whermacht is the clean branch of german army.there where as many in waffen ss which where not nazis as where people in wehrmacht which where full nazis.
its very intersting that in the WAFFEN SS whole europe did serve.there was an difference between REICHDEUTSCHE saygermans of the german main land and Volksdeutsche say germans of ocupied foreign this latter one did call people from Elsass Lothringen in france.and those did come automatically in the waffen ss.
so its simply not true when one say each soldier serving in the waffen ss was therefore an dedicated nazi.because most of them did not volonteer for service they where drafted-often they where very unhappy.because its was an open story that the waffen ss was often the spearhead on the frontier and so had the highest casualtie quotes..
the difference between WAFFEN SS which was established 1942 and ALLGEMEINE SS is like apple and pears.
the allgemeine ss was the political brach of the ss.its was like the SA part of the NSDAP supression system.
in the invasion in france the troops of SS which fought there where called SS VERFÜGUNGSTRUPPE.and those where the armed part of allgemeine ss.
but those men have nothing in common to the latter members of the WAFFEN SS.they even complained about this latter ones,simply because in this nearly whole europe did serve and they where for their taste not nordic enough.
THE WAFFEN SS was established simply to become the foreingers serving in the army in one pot and more to use them in an way like one could use them and save origin german blood.alone this is brutal and shows the devious character of the real nazis.this waffen ss simply was used as firebrigade and had to try to solve the military desasters on all fronts.they paid the price with the highest losses.the song of the waffen ss WO WIR SIND DA IST IMMER VORNE-say where we are is always frontlines i think says it all.
even an company of brits did serve in waffen ss.its true even if those where more propaganda puppets.
so when one considers the Waffen SS an problem than its not an true german one then its an european one.simply because half europe was in it....
i would like to point out alone from the divison names who served there
legion danmark-legion wallonie-handschar-legion estland-ect ect...all where not germans.
i think one should now this.i want not start an discussion here.but i think if one modells such figures one should know at least what was the correct name for them.
thats not my cup of tea.i wanted only point out what the ss was from military point of view.NOTHING MORE.
Thank you Markus for the information, we can all learn from it -

I'm going to close off this thread since nothing more can be said about it, and history here at planetFigure proves that these kinds of threads can turn ugly, plus I don't want to have to keep an eye on it all day long !
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