Distant Drums. . . .
Whoa, Nellie. . . Wow, Carl. There are times when you definitely March
to the beat of a different drummer. Buddy Rich? . . . Gene Cruppa??? Naw!
But I see your penchant for pretty "fun" kind of figures, as a good thing. It
really gets your creative juices going . . . and juices are good!
And since
it is a completely different genré you have to think and experiment in
different terms than with the usual Historical military figures. But here's the
deal, or the place where the dawn breaks, . . .
This kind of experience will pay off when you go back to Historical Military
figures. You look at the same thing, but you now see it differently!
Oh well, I just read the above, and I'm not sure I'm making any sense. I
hope you get my snow drift, Carl.
Love the colour choices, the chevron shaped border on the sleeve, and the
petunia on the cap. Kewl Beans, Cartman. . . Oh my God, they killed Kenny.
. . . . seemingly, a number of times. . . .