Completed Treasure Island.


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I've carried out a little tidying up on the face, although I don't know whether its made much difference or not.
However I did have fun painting the map, typically the treasure is near a couple of palm trees, 😂 and X marks the spot.
To tone it down and weather it, I've used a couple of shades of inks.

Please click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

Next up Jim's shirt and waistcoat. :nailbiting:

Fantastic work Malc! Really enjoying following along and seeing all the excellent updates. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, Simon. Painting a young face isn't easy, well for me anyway, and to be honest I'm not totally happy with
Not sure if he'll be ready for North Surrey, but I'll try.

Don't rush him on my behalf mate, it's too good to spoil that way. As for young Mr Hawkins maybe reduce the blush a bit to just his cheeks.

Cheers Simon
Don't rush him on my behalf mate, it's too good to spoil that way. As for young Mr Hawkins maybe reduce the blush a bit to just his cheeks.

Cheers Simon
Cheers Simon,

I've made the odd adjustment, and going to leave it there.
I've under painted the shirt and waistcoat, only to find, I'd used the last of my SC75 Orange leather, so I'm going to
have to order some more before I can continue with that.
At least I can work on the shirt in the meantime.

After taking the bust to my club meeting and seeing it in a different light, Jim Hawkins face needs to be repainted.
It looked awful, lets hope I can make a better job of it 2nd time around.

After seeing Magnus's version of this here on PF, I just had to have one, and ordered it from
El Greco Miniatures.
Nicely cast, although a little cleaning up needed here and there. Nothing major.
This morning I've concentrated on drilling the the bust and base to take some brass rod.
Once its been given a thorough wash, I'll prime it and start on the painting.

View attachment 503675
There's so much character and detail in the face, it should be great to paint.
The hat is being held in place for the photo with blu-tac, thus the slight gap.

I'm sure you'll do a grand job on this to Malcolm.
That's a shame but I understand how different lighting changes things.
Hi Melanie, I couldn't believe how bad bad it looked, and its knocked my confidence a bit.
But I'll give it my best, that's all I can do.

Very good work on the parrot Malc. For young Jim I am sure the second try will be the right one!!
Thanks Bran, I'm rather pleased with the parrot, fingers crossed I can make improvements to young Jim.

Well, what can I say, but I dreaded my session at the bench this morning, not really knowing where to start.
In the end I decided to go back to the Vallejo flesh tones for young Jim.
I started with a mid flesh tone, painting out all the previous work, the started to build up highlights and add some shadows, while trying to keep it subtle. I'm not a 100% pleased with it, although I think it does look better.
I've also made a start on the shirt, using a mix of SC75 Brown Grey, AK Russian Blue Lights for the base coat.

Please click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

Malc, I understand the whole setback and confidence mularky having just returned to my bench after a couple of months of no mojo. I'm certain you will bounce back, you are too good not to.
All the best
Your update came through as I was writing my last.
The flesh tones definitely look lighter and more natural compared to the earlier post, much more in keeping with a young lad. Excellent
Your update came through as I was writing my last.
The flesh tones definitely look lighter and more natural compared to the earlier post, much more in keeping with a young lad. Excellent
Thanks for your feedback Melanie, it's pleasing to kno the tones are more suited to young Jim, and better
this time around.

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That's looking good and he's back to his 'boyish', almost innocent, look...which contrasts well with that of LJS. For me, that's the best of the three, having seen him at FMMG yesterday afternoon. As others have said, we knew you would get it where it needed to be, finally.
Missed you going, so email on its way later tonight.
Regards, as usual 'mentor'.
That's looking good and he's back to his 'boyish', almost innocent, look...which contrasts well with that of LJS. For me, that's the best of the three, having seen him at FMMG yesterday afternoon. As others have said, we knew you would get it where it needed to be, finally.
Missed you going, so email on its way later tonight.
Regards, as usual 'mentor'.
Thanks Kim, I'm pleased the latest version meets your approval, It certainly didn't look right beforehand.

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