Northumbrian Warrior from Latorre Models (my debut historical piece)


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Jason Martin (Redrum)

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Bury St Edmunds
Hi everyone, this is my first post and my first ever historical subject.

I love Raul's sculpts but never painted one of his earlier pieces from the now defunct Latorre Models. Other than the poor quality of the texture on the chain mail, the figure was a joy to paint and basically led me to decide to paint more historical pieces in the future and join this awesome club, Planet Figure!!

I tried to depict a tired but steadfast warrior, who after some heavy rain had trudged to his location to look down on the battlefield before him. I hope you like it and please constructive criticism and comments will be warmly received!


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Hi Jeff and Nicolaos, I am really happy to hear your words, Thankyou so much! I have Attila the Hun, from Latorre tempting me next, but first I must make some progress on some other things, always things to do lol.

I look forward to seeing your works too, just as soon as I have become accustomed to the site and know what the hell I am doing!
Hi crf!! Thanks for your words my friend, I have been painting on and off for maybe six or seven years, but really only messing around until about two years ago when I started to take my painting more seriously, in fact when I became more active on Facebook and started seeking advice from figure painters from all over the world, one thin Facebook and the web is very convenient for.
Yeah, i was going to say - next thing you gonna tell us that you never painted before :)

But seriously, welcome to the world of history and obligatory domain of accuracy (light side)/rivet counting (dark side)

Too bad, indeed, for the chain mail, and the shield seems to me more Arabic.

Thats McBride's fault for sure ;)
Hmmm... this piece looks familiar. ;) Welcome to PlanetFigure, Jason! As I said on facebook, it's been really fun watching this piece come together. I can affirm that even on a 'good' casting of this figure the chain mail is really tough to paint. But it seems yours is even rougher than normal. You handled that extra challenge well and everything came together wonderfully on this figure.

By the way, don't feel like you need to hold back from posting fantasy related projects here. I know the majority of the PlanetFigure users are historical painters, but people still post and appreciate fantasy work.
Hey Bailey yeah man, it's been kicking about lol thanks again for everything and thNks for taking the time to comment here too. Il be sure to post some fantasy stuff too, thanks for letting me know
Hello Jason, and may I extend a hearty welcome to Planet Figure.
The ladies and gentlemen here, are just a very friendly, helpful,
and talented group. Oh my, your work is very good. I love the way you
used the light green and the yellow from the shield, which really catches
the eye, to use those same colours and shades in his clothing. I say it
here all the time, . . . :) and I use the term, Colour Harmony. Also,
your photographs are very good. The background colour you picked
works so well with the shades, tones, and colour choices you selected
for your figure presentation. Very well done, most impressive. I
will be eager to see more of your work, Jason. Kind regards from
the American Heartland.
Rick Brownlee, a.k.a. The Miami Jayhawk, Kansas Kid
Oh Jason, I forgot to mention why my sentences are so short;
and do not go from left to right completely across the page.
I was a newspaper Graphic Journalist. In the newspaper biz
from studies, they realized that there was a certain width
that the eye could handle, going from left to the right side of the
sentence, and still be able to drop down to the left of the column
again, to the next line, with ease. Unfortunately, when sentences go
way way to long to the right, it is hard for the eye to come back left
and find the next line, easily. When web sites were first designed,
the people doing it had no newspaper or magazine background.
They hadn't been involved in print journalism. So most all of the
current sites have been designed wrongly, in my view. Now you
realize, this is my OPINION. Many here, I am sure would disagree.
Ha Kansas kid, firstly thanks for the warm welcome but I must disagree on my pics lol they're dreadful, I see people take far nicer pics than me mine are done with iPad or phone, photography is like voodoo to me. Your second post was most interesting, I didn't know that at all, see you learn something new everyday!!
Oh Jason, I forgot to mention why my sentences are so short;
and do not go from left to right completely across the page.

Rick, you know, I have been curious about that for a year now, initially I attributed to pure eccentricity:D
but then realised there was a pattern(y)
This format is very useful for skim reading and for those who are able to read whole page "at once"

Thank you for the info

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