A bit more progress made this morning.
I've made a start on the coat initially using Scale 75 Tesla Blue for the shoulders and upper lapels, then Navy Blue for the remaining areas.
Towards the bottom of the torso I added some Deep Blue. A little highlighting and shadows were added, but keeping it subtle.
To add a little vibrancy to the colour, I gave the coat a glaze of Ultramarine Blue. For the purpose of the photo, I dried it off quickly with a hairdryer,
so I'll probably give it another glaze later an let it dry naturally.
On to the Bicorne, I added shadow by adding a glaze of Burnt Umber to the recesses of the lacing and left to dry.
Again wanting to keep it subtle, I added a few highlight some of the raised areas using Kimera warm yellow and Vallejo white.
For the felt of the bicorne, I've used oils to provide a different texture. Mars Black was thinned and applied around the edges and the crown, then I added
a blend of Black, Titanium white, and Prussian Blue to the remaining areas and blended them in. When its dried it should dry nice and flat.

Please click on the thumbnail for a larger image.