Nutsplanet`s new release 'U.S 101 AIRBONE'


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"Get over it"? What the hell? Look, you're obviously the expert. Just go with it. But the pictures posted earlier were from Holland. Look at the uniforms. It's a dead give away. See how many other pics you can find.

Guys? What in the hell is going on?! I post something saying I wish manufactures would stop making a common mistake. Then I get my service questioned and told to "get over it"?! There has been a MAJOR change in pF and it's NOT for the better. We used to see critiques all the time and no one got nasty over it. Especially if the person was right! This is not the of I remember. Several 101st airborne figures have been releases and the first aid pack was ALWAYS the issue. Now you guys are acting like I'm a self proclaimed expert when I'm not. I pointed out what someone else showed me once. And I need to get over it?!

Mods, take this for what it's worth. This place is turning into a joke. Do whatever you like. It's your job, not mine. But when people respond like this garbage, people tend to refrain from posting/ commenting. But hey, why don't I just "get over it"?

Screw this...

Jim Patrick

100% agree with you Jim (y)
This is the best site out there for reference on the 101st airborne in WWII.

Jim Patrick

Ha, Triggertime !! Glad to see that site is still up after all those years ! :)

You're absolutely right in pointing out common mistakes on Airborne figure sculpts. I hope we will see some decent 101 AB figures this year with the 70 anniv of the longest day. Hopefully a definitive 1/16 figure some day ...

Problem is, people have become to lazy and dumb to do some research on uniforms and history ... look at how many US para figures are painted in fantasy colours like pale khaki or sand, instead of the proper colour (= Olive Drab #3, period)
Ha, Triggertime !! Glad to see that site is still up after all those years ! :)

You're absolutely right in pointing out common mistakes on Airborne figure sculpts. I hope we will see some decent 101 AB figures this year with the 70 anniv of the longest day. Hopefully a definitive 1/16 figure some day ...

Problem is, people have become to lazy and dumb to do some research on uniforms and history ... look at how many US para figures are painted in fantasy colours like pale khaki or sand, instead of the proper colour (= Olive Drab #3, period)
That absolute "OD#3- period" would match which of these? They are all authentic M1942's. (All photos from, for reference only )



Maybe comparing OD3 to Khaki and Olive Green shows why people might refer to them as sand or khaki and not green. Khaki covers a lot of ground, not just the tan color shown.

Consider also weathering and the the anti-chemical glop they were treated with prior to the D-day jumps and you might see why an absolute statement like OD#3-period might not exactly cover the possible variations. Also, in this case, you have to ask yourself are you going to match the painting to the specific character from the series? This is, after all, obviously Damien Lewis portraying Dick Winters from Band of Brothers, not just some generic 101st Airborne trooper. This little blurb comes from the same site, and I think covers it pretty well:

Used and faded OD no3 gear and uniforms often appear beige. The keyword is used. That's where the fantasy/ stupidity gets started. When new, they range from grass-stain green, to light brown, to gold, khaki-gray, to a brownish beige. To fuss about our products (or anyone else's) they must be compared to new condition (unissued) original samples. Not Grandpa's M41 that he wore at Kasserine Pass.
In practice, dying wasn't (and isn't) a perfect science. WWII uniforms and gear come in countless shades of OD no3. This was not due to some elfin impulse to torment collectors in the future, but rather as a result of dozens of different fabric mills finishing millions of yards of fabric in a hurry. Anyone who tells you that all US uniforms are the exact same color is a blithering idiot. Or colorblind. More likely the former.
Last sentence theirs not mine...
Just so everyone knows, Martin and I took our differences to PM. Funny part was we were upset with each other but both talking about the exact same thing. I think it's safe to say we're both in agreement on the subject in question (and that I have to quit accessing pF on my phone!).

I stand by my original thoughts. It's a nice bust so do what you like. It is a mistake to release every airborne subject with the aid kit on the helmet. While you may find one picture that has it, I can produce 100+ where it's not. Martin produced one but I'm afraid we're both in agreement that the other pics posted here are either pre Normandy or from Holland or later. What is interesting is that the bust represents ya character from BoB but the aid pack wasn't worn by the character.

Anyways, you want it? Go buy it. Busts "aren't my bag...".
That absolute "OD#3- period" would match which of these? There are all authentic M1942's. (All photos from, for reference only )



Maybe comparing OD3 to Khaki and Olive Green shows why people might refer to them as sand or khaki and not green. Khaki covers a lot of ground, not just the tan color shown.

Consider also weathering and the the anti-chemical glop they were treated with prior to the D-day jumps and you might see why an absolute statement like OD#3-period might not exactly cover the possible variations. Also, in this case, you have to ask yourself are you going to match the painting to the specific character from the series? This is, after all, obviously Damien Lewis portraying Dick Winters from Band of Brothers, not just some generic 101st Airborne trooper.

Quite right well said, as we all know that do research the shades would defir between manufacturing batches due to different dyes used by different manufacturers as well as fading due to wear, there is no real correct tone just some reference starting points.
Just so everyone knows, Martin and I took our differences to PM. Funny part was we were upset with each other but both talking about the exact same thing. I think it's safe to say we're both in agreement on the subject in question (and that I have to quit accessing pF on my phone!).

I stand by my original thoughts. It's a nice bust so do what you like. It is a mistake to release every airbor be subject with the aid kit on the helmet. While you may find one picture that has it, I can produce 100+ where it's not. Martin produced one but I'm afraid we're both in agreement that the other pics posted here are either per Normandy or from Holland or later. What is interesting is that the bust represents a character from BoB but the aid pack wasn't worn by the character.

Anyways, you want it? Go buy it. Busts "aren't my bag...".

Hi Jim, thanks for bringing this slip up to the foreground you are quite right (shame it got a bit heated), You have enlightened me as I had always thought that it was tied to the helmet during normandy but reseearch following your post has proved me wrong, so thank you. Also Winters character in BoB never had one on his helmet so not sure where they have drawn their ref.

I am going to buy this as I love the pose, Hopefully will be able to remove the offending aid kit fingers crossed and also tweak the division patch.

What a great sculpt! Just stunning work.

I'm a bit late into the discussion and I hope not to drag it out too much, but I must say that I found it rather informative actually.
Out of curiosity I did some googling and noticed that indeed almost all figures put that first aid pack on the helmet, whereas it is rare to find it on period photographs. Same thing for reenactors. Quite odd.

Anyway, just want to say that I consider some of the 'rivet-counting discussions' a useful addition to the forum. I for one will be leaving off the aid package from my 1/16 paratrooper from Alpine (the 'ultimate' US para figure for me). Everyone that is less excited by such small issues is free to ignore them without insulting anyone.
So I hope the rivet-counters stick around (maybe 'precisionist' has a nicer ring?).

Just a pity that that this type of discussion often becomes so personal and doesn't need to if we would practice a bit more self-control and cameraderie in writing our responses.

To finish this rant off, the thing that surprises me in all this is that nobody pointed out that the 101st AIR-BONE division never existed....
How's that for rivet-counting?! ;)

What a great sculpt! Just stunning work.

To finish this rant off, the thing that surprises me in all this is that nobody pointed out that the 101st AIR-BONE division never existed....
How's that for rivet-counting?! ;)

Please tell me thats only in the description of the figure and not what the patch ON the figure says! I can't quite see it clearly, but now that you pointed it out, it almost looks like theres not quite enough letters on the patch of the fig. It looks like "AIRBORE" on the fig, but could well be "AIRBONE". DOH! Well, just paint it.


Hello all friends in PF,

First of all, I must say that I thank you guys for all warm and nice comments for our new release.
This is so much honorable for us that many of you have interesting in our new one, and so much encourage us to produce better products in the future as well.
And this rivet-counting or whatever something like that is going to be helpful to creat better products for manufacturers indeed. So, I appriciate that every mentioned referances. I will try to produce more perfect figures to be liked by you more and more.

I thought that I had to reply for making some things little bit clear(not perfect though).

1. About first-aid kit, as you guys could guess, all stuffs(rifle, hands, fisrt-aid kit, pouchs, holster, helmet and so on) are seperated, So this kit to be made all diffrent versions by sticking stuffs where you want.

2. About the letter 'R' from AIRBORNE. I apolozy that I missed 'R' for the image and the title of this thread. However, don`t worry about the patch on the kit has absolutely has 'R' So it has perfect letter on the 'AIRBORNE' patch.

And I attach some pictures of optional head which will be included below,

101 Mhead02.jpg 101 Mhead04.jpg

I totally thank you for your all comments again. I promise that I`ll try to produce better figures in the future.
Many thanks and my best regards,

Great news. And the optional head is a nice bonus. Allows someone to make a more generic Paratrooper, albeit with the Mohawk, but thats easily converted to a regular GI haircut if one desires. Or in my case, I can see it being used in a Robert "Taxi Driver" DeNiro bust/conversion.
If some of these get any " more perfect" you are going to have to shrink down real people and equipment!
I just came across stunning evidence that the wearing of the first aid kit on top of the helmet was in fact prohibited in Normandy! :wideyed: :D

Only one soldier - the pictured S/Sgt John "Woody" Woodrich - violated these regulations and insisted to be photographed (hiding his face) in a sneaky but finally futile attempt to irritate future generations of modellers and sculptors seeking for the true story. But here it is:

All the best - and I am glad that Jim and I "got over it"!
1. About first-aid kit, as you guys could guess, all stuffs(rifle, hands, fisrt-aid kit, pouchs, holster, helmet and so on) are seperated, So this kit to be made all diffrent versions by sticking stuffs where you want.

2. About the letter 'R' from AIRBORNE. I apolozy that I missed 'R' for the image and the title of this thread. However, don`t worry about the patch on the kit has absolutely has 'R' So it has perfect letter on the 'AIRBORNE' patch.

And I attach some pictures of optional head which will be included below,

View attachment 160924 View attachment 160925


Thanks for the clarification(y) as, the helmet should be separate should be able to pop it on the extra head wish Alpine had given us that option with their Italian para :whistle:

Looking forward to getting my hands on this one

Benny, I couldn't imagine any better facial sculpting than what you have produced. Keep it up, incredible work. One complaint, I'd personally like to have a full figure, not just a bust. If yall think it's doable I'm sure you'd have a rush to order on those too.

Awesome work NutsPlanet, awesome!

Cheers, Ski.
I loved the series, and the sculpt does look just like the actor, so for that I'll buy one..any inaccuracies to the uniform can be corrected..we are modelers right?
I will say this..Id also love to see a bust of the real Dick Winters..that wouldve been a better optional head in my opinion.
Hi All
Bit late again with the thread although I did post at the beginning what a fantastic bonus with the additional head and the kit being additions , I think its a cracking clean sharpe sculpt ,variations to create different Senarios in ETO.
Great Job Benny thank you for the clarification for the members regard kit and head insignia .
Regards Chris

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