It's soon the beer festival in Munich, the Oktoberfest
Recently the brand Tartar Miniatures released on the occasion of Khulmbach a figurine and a bust named "Oktoberfest", on a 3D sculpture by Iliya Ryabov
Since the time I wanted to paint a Bavarian, the opportunity presented itself
Thanks to COLLE 21 and Danilo Casu for his advice and therefore his resin with UV lamp at Mons Expo to make the foam and thanks to Sergey Savenkov
On a base from Artibois du Hyerdaux
Recently the brand Tartar Miniatures released on the occasion of Khulmbach a figurine and a bust named "Oktoberfest", on a 3D sculpture by Iliya Ryabov
Since the time I wanted to paint a Bavarian, the opportunity presented itself
Thanks to COLLE 21 and Danilo Casu for his advice and therefore his resin with UV lamp at Mons Expo to make the foam and thanks to Sergey Savenkov
On a base from Artibois du Hyerdaux