Olympic Opening Ceremony


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I hadn't really intended to make a political statement or indeed what appears to have been taken an endorsement for justifying diverting focus and investment from national economic crises, AIDS and cancer and global starvation. I was merely commenting on what I thought was a brilliant piece of entertainment, so I apologise for breaching the intention and spirit of the non political nature of the Lounge:notworthy: .
War is a waste of money, Poverty is a result of waste of money. The arms race is a waste of money. International events including sporting events are not necessarily so. Like others the Olympics provide an opportunity for nations, participants and viewers to engage in what should be a peaceful endeavour.
OK the games like the World Cup, the Tour de France etc are media events but is that ultimately a bad thing if it gives young people the opportunity to see people from many nationalities proudly and fairly representing the best of their countries. It might also inspire a new generation to participate in sport and activity.
Is it then such a bad thing ?
Hey! war is NOT a waste of money, just ask Dick Cheney.
Well gents
My comment was a bit an " epidermic reaction ". Beginning in an humorous way, I let myself digress . But now reading all the your answers, I'm a bit cooled down . Thanks, we are not alone in our corner, we are part of a big community sharing concerns about poverty, sicknesses, wars and what they do to people . Yes Olympics are a perfect opportunity to show to all generation that we lives together and that borders can be crossed without animosity .
Again, if you like watching sport , enjoy it .
My favorite bit was James Bond bringing the queen around to the ceremony. And we got to see the Royal Corgi dogs. I love Corgi dogs. The whole olympic fever has gotten me to wanting to go back to the U.K. for a visit.
Well gents
My comment was a bit an " epidermic reaction ". Beginning in an humorous way, I let myself digress . But now reading all the your answers, I'm a bit cooled down . Thanks, we are not alone in our corner, we are part of a big community sharing concerns about poverty, sicknesses, wars and what they do to people . Yes Olympics are a perfect opportunity to show to all generation that we lives together and that borders can be crossed without animosity .
Again, if you like watching sport , enjoy it .
Nicely said Michel....
I about fell off the sofa laughing at Rowan Atkinson as well. I was amazed it really was the Queen (Gawd bless 'er) in that I was convinced it was the look a like lady! :ROFLMAO:
We cant really do much about war and starvation not on here anyway. Just remember you dont need to watch it and if you do enjoy it. Personally loving the rowing and cycling and pick and choose from the others offered. What the games are to me is about the "little" people such as the oarsman from Niger who only staarted rowing 3 months ago. He was only around 1 minute 30 seconds behind the others, but he was there. What about the tiny North Korean who just lifted 3 times his own weight wonderful stuff. Everyone remembers Eddie the Eagle but who won the Jump? Ernie the Eeel was a national hero but who won his heat in the pool?
That to me is what the Olympics brings to people!

I loved the Queen's entrance, it was well done and a good laugh.
But I would've loved to have seen a greased up Bear Grills chase down, tackle and hog tie and a 4 metre long corgi then slash open it's belly from which a resplendent bejewelled Queen Elizabeth would emerge waving gracefully.
That'd be nice.
I loved the Queen's entrance, it was well done and a good laugh.
But I would've loved to have seen a greased up Bear Grills chase down, tackle and hog tie and a 4 metre long corgi then slash open it's belly from which a resplendent bejewelled Queen Elizabeth would emerge waving gracefully.
That'd be nice.

They were saving that for the closing ceremony but you've spoilt it now Mark, they'll have to think of something else.
I believe it's something similar involving Diamond Cutter and half a dozen orphan baby seals instead now ;-)
Just watched the diving from 10mtr board. Where do they get the commentators for this, this guy was a cracker. He spoke of the Mexican diving pair as if it was their first day diving. Sort of "Taxi for Mexico" a few dives later and we were out and Mexico had a silver medal.
It was super to watch until the BBC chap talked down Mexico for their forward 4 and 1/2 turns dive. He knew they could never do it so they were holding UK up. Superb dive and they move into silver position.
Wanted BBC commentator for Olympic water sports.
Can't wait to see what Diamond Cutter puts on here in response to that one Steve. he is probably out getting a kebab or something but no doubt he will come back with hack and slash comment. lol
Not a sports fan. And, as a Londoner, currently feeling a bit put upon by the even bigger than usual influx of visotors and all the 'don't go there', 'don't do this' stuff. Leave it 'art, who paid a hefty chunk towards it after all?

But I did think the opening ceremony did us proud. More grace-notes than bum-notes. Pity they didn't just wheel on Paul McCartney, like they did Muhammed Ali, and then wheel him out again - but you can't have everything. ;)

Eat your heart out Bejiing! Yeah!
Like any good party (Olympics) enjoy it whilst you can because the headache (cost) will get us all in the morning. I have no problem with the concept of the "Olympic Spirit" per-se, but I think as has been ably demonstrated these last few days with the ticket fiasco (disgrace!), it's no longer a festival of sport but rather it has been hijacked by big business and the $/£ is the main motivator for everything. I mean, McD are the main private sponsor for goodness sake! We have seen tickets sold in disproportionately high numbers to corporate hospitality and "officials" whilst the true fans are left standing outside or trawling the internet paying rip-off prices. Even then, many of the business people and 'VIP's' who have got these tickets never even make it out of the executive lounge / bar; hence the rows and rows of empty seats. If the true Olympic spirit is to be maintained, I have never understood why it is not hosted solely in Greece the spiritual home of the games ( I know Greece has domestic issues at the moment) and all the competing nations of the world simply pay a pro-rata share of the running and maintenance costs relative to GDP and the number of competitors. I know that won't totally stop the business element of the games but it would certainly eliminate the backhanders and padded envelopes that exchange hands at the very highest levels when the host venue is up for selection. If people want to get all excited about the games that's fine, but let's stop pretending it is true to it's original concept or that the sport is anything other than secondary to what big business can make out of it.


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