A Fixture
Thanks Del and I thought you were a cynic LOL
Hey! war is NOT a waste of money, just ask Dick Cheney.I hadn't really intended to make a political statement or indeed what appears to have been taken an endorsement for justifying diverting focus and investment from national economic crises, AIDS and cancer and global starvation. I was merely commenting on what I thought was a brilliant piece of entertainment, so I apologise for breaching the intention and spirit of the non political nature of the Lounge.
War is a waste of money, Poverty is a result of waste of money. The arms race is a waste of money. International events including sporting events are not necessarily so. Like others the Olympics provide an opportunity for nations, participants and viewers to engage in what should be a peaceful endeavour.
OK the games like the World Cup, the Tour de France etc are media events but is that ultimately a bad thing if it gives young people the opportunity to see people from many nationalities proudly and fairly representing the best of their countries. It might also inspire a new generation to participate in sport and activity.
Is it then such a bad thing ?
Nicely said Michel....Well gents
My comment was a bit an " epidermic reaction ". Beginning in an humorous way, I let myself digress . But now reading all the your answers, I'm a bit cooled down . Thanks, we are not alone in our corner, we are part of a big community sharing concerns about poverty, sicknesses, wars and what they do to people . Yes Olympics are a perfect opportunity to show to all generation that we lives together and that borders can be crossed without animosity .
Again, if you like watching sport , enjoy it .
"Good evening Mr Bond!" - The Queen![]()
I loved the Queen's entrance, it was well done and a good laugh.
But I would've loved to have seen a greased up Bear Grills chase down, tackle and hog tie and a 4 metre long corgi then slash open it's belly from which a resplendent bejewelled Queen Elizabeth would emerge waving gracefully.
That'd be nice.