Gary, I agree with your comments entirely. These games are not for our benefit, just look at the likes of Lord Coe and see the benefits and millions of pounds these games are going to generate for him and his companies, and there are more like him. Look at how the World Olympic Committee have dictated to our politicians what so called perks we have had to give the so called Olympic Family. I speak of hotels, priority road lanes, priority access to our medical facilities, the list goes on and on. All this in a country that we are told is financially broke. I agree with you, if we are going to stay true to the original Olympic concept, then the games should be held in Greece, and with less particeipants. Or failing that share the games around the World, so the burden of cost does not fall on any one country. We have had to fund everything,at great cost to the British taxpayer,and many of the sports are so exclusive that the average person could not take up even if they were talented to do so.