One Nice Thing About Winter...


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Quote from Mark "But I've got to say that abusing another member for posting something that you haven't even seen, without any idea of it's content, which has since been removed, has got to top my list of bizarre forum experiences."

Isn't it just great how people twist things around to suit their argument? I didn't want to see it Mark and certainly didn't need to, I only had to go by the content of the post and the reaction of a number of fellow modellers, fortunately your views don't seem to be gathering much support on the forum. This is a modelling forum not a social media site-if you want to give offence and start to compare, eating habits and cultural differences then I suggest you will be better posting on Facebook, Twitter etc.
As for me I'm going back to the paint brush where my time can be far happier spent.
Quote from Mark "But I've got to say that abusing another member for posting something that you haven't even seen, without any idea of it's content, which has since been removed, has got to top my list of bizarre forum experiences."

"Isn't it just great how people twist things around to suit their argument?"

I have made no argument here Keith, just an observation.

"fortunately your views don't seem to be gathering much support on the forum."

Again I'm unaware I expressed any views, Keith. I only posted my disappointment that one member felt the need to personally attack another member with such abuse over something they didn't even see. and I'm not looking to gather any support or otherwise, I couldn't give a wolf's arse either way. It's not a popularity contest here, I'd never win one of those, but a swimsuit contest is another story, I'd piss that in.

"This is a modelling forum not a social media site-if you want to give offence and start to compare, eating habits and cultural differences then I suggest you will be better posting on Facebook, Twitter etc".

I wouldn't leave here Keith because I love the intercourse I've had with you, and many other modellers here....When I'm not modelling I love to experience the fabulous intercourse to be had here with the many other members.

Also Keith, don't me afraid of the dark side, it can be fun too. Come on over to Facebook mate I'll be your friend if you'll be mine.
Based on the assumption that the picture was of dead wolves, I would personally like to hang the hunter by his balls until he bleeds to death......As a Dog lover and a fan of these beautiful and intelligent creatures who have been so unnecessarily persecuted I applaud the people who have taken great pains to reintroduce them-just a pity we can't teach the animals to use guns.


I couldn't control my contempt for this post but would much prefer Planet to contain images of figures rather than a picture that would probably have spoiled my evening had I seen it and probably has already as I consider the unhealthy mentality of the individual who took such delight in posting it.

Okay,I apologized once and removed a pic you did not even see. Will not apologize again. "Hang by the balls until I bleed to death" You owe me an apology for that,these were coyotes and not "protected wolves"...huge pest around here. Do you know what they do to beautiful dogs (like the one in your avatar?)...they circle them,hamstring them and take out the throat. Happens all the time here.
You have no right to question my ways or my "Mental Capacities" or any other God damn thing I do, I posted in the lounge and not out in the General forum. Now,does this look like someone who hates dogs?


An apology is in order here.
I like to think that I have the same view as the native americans or any people living close to or in symbios with nature. Kill only when you have to and use all the resources from that animal, as a respect. And treat animals well, no matter if they are you pet or bred for food.

Nature has its own balance and the farmer who shoots off all the predators on his land will soon find out that rodents will have a go on the crops instead? Here in Sweden, the wolfpacks where brought to extinction with the result of deers starving to death in the winter and comes in to the suburbs, I see them on a daily basis. The elks have diseases due to overpopulation and wanders to new grounds. Actually elks kills more people in a few years than wolves ever had. They walk up the road and get hit by cars.

Wildlife is natural shy of humans but the ones living close to humans tends to lose they fear and then becomes dangerous and a problem.

Forgive me sd0324, but with that attitude, and your avatar, you do come across as somehow triggerhappy to me?

I can understand the thrill of a hunt, the love of being in nature, but I dont feel any joy and pride in it. Not even when fishing.

Janne Nilsson

Now for you, I am probably around more wildlife than you may think,respect and revere it in fact. Did you ever think if you maybe you hunted those deer and elk and used the meat properly might be an answer. Or do you buy your meat in the store?
Now,if you disapprove of my avatar or my comments too bad for you....I could infer from yours and your comments that you are a strange man who feels bad when he goes fishing. In fact,I disapprove of your avatar, it makes me feel "uncomfortable".
Could make for an interesting if somewhat polarised debate. I think Janne raised some of the valid points in his post.
You're dead right that local circumstances have to be amongst the primary considerations before criticism is levelled.
For me the hunter who strips his technology down to the bare minimum and hunts on as level a playing field as possible is something I can understand.
What I can't is where hunting becomes part of the tourist industry where overfed, overindulged fat ba***rds are driven to 'wild' places where 'wild' animals are corralled, handed a high powered rifle that somebody else has loded for them and sit on their a*ses taking pot shots until the hit something.

Okay you are next,if you think I am some fatass who gets handed a You really have no idea the sport involved,I removed said pic and apologized for offending all you ladies,these were not innocent little doggies and the pic was not that bad. No apologies here.
As you're working down the list.
Calling us ladies isn't very mature, just because we disagree with you blood lust.
Question sexuality, is hardly any form of consolation for the fact you have prove your machismo by shooting.:wtf:
Now for you, I am probably around more wildlife than you may think,respect and revere it in fact. Did you ever think if you maybe you hunted those deer and elk and used the meat properly might be an answer. Or do you buy your meat in the store?
Now,if you disapprove of my avatar or my comments too bad for you....I could infer from yours and your comments that you are a strange man who feels bad when he goes fishing. In fact,I disapprove of your avatar, it makes me feel "uncomfortable".

My avatar is me drawn as a zombie, in Walking Dead style. Im sure many here can confirm the likeness. The "uncomfortableness" comes probably from being qustioned?

I never questioned that you are close to nature. My first post stated very clearly that I understood that there sometimes is a need to do this. But I still dont think postings of dead wolves should get "way to go" or similar reactions.

Hunting is prohibited here in closely populated areas where I live, dont like to have bullets swishing around my head when Im at home, even if a have a few licensed weapons they are primarly for target shooting never the less, one could hunt with them. If I have the landowners permission, its within season and I have a hunters license. You see, we dont let anyone who can buy a firearm roam around freely to perform animal cruelty with non clean shots. Baglimit is another problem that would occur. Besides, elk is very dry to eat. Only with a rich creamy sauce and some wild berries is it eatable. Additionally we cant eat as much elk or deer any longer, as a result of the dicease spread in the populations and Cesium is still high since Tjernobyl. Not in an alerting number but there are limits how much deer and elk meat that is safe to eat. Also depends a lot in which part of the country we are talking about.

I dont feel sad when fishing or when killing animals, neihter do I feel superior, glad or horny. Perhaps maybe confident sometimes, but that is probably because the ability to feed from the land gives you confidence. Still, it isnt something I do for fun. Or go around bragging about.

What I tried to point out is that when you take out a species in an area it affects other species as well. Usually in a bad way as balance has developed for hundred of years if not more.

Janne Nilsson
I'm not sure why Steve is being read the riot act. If someone had posted a picture of the deer they shot, wouldn't it be in the same vein? I bet no one would freak out like this, to the extent I've seen here. You guys are treating a fellow figure painter like he just posted pictures of dead Iraqi babies or pictures of an IED victim in pieces. Keep calm and paint figures for Christ's sake.
As you're working down the list.
Calling us ladies isn't very mature, just because we disagree with you blood lust.
Question sexuality, is hardly any form of consolation for the fact you have prove your machismo by shooting.:wtf:

Well, I left you out because you were polite,but okay. Your ancestors eradicated wolves and feral dogs for a reason. A lesson you do not remember.Hunting is not about blood lust,that is just a silly thing to say. "Question sexuality" ...ha,it was a light note,so lighten up Nancy. It is a comical statement that you think I prove my machismo by you ever go shooting or is that not allowed? I work a very serious job and use shooting/hunting and painting as a nice escape. If you equate shooting and hunting with blood lust,you need to get out more. I apologized once.
My avatar is me drawn as a zombie, in Walking Dead style. Im sure many here can confirm the likeness. The "uncomfortableness" comes probably from being qustioned?

I never questioned that you are close to nature. My first post stated very clearly that I understood that there sometimes is a need to do this. But I still dont think postings of dead wolves should get "way to go" or similar reactions.

Hunting is prohibited here in closely populated areas where I live, dont like to have bullets swishing around my head when Im at home, even if a have a few licensed weapons they are primarly for target shooting never the less, one could hunt with them. If I have the landowners permission, its within season and I have a hunters license. You see, we dont let anyone who can buy a firearm roam around freely to perform animal cruelty with non clean shots. Baglimit is another problem that would occur. Besides, elk is very dry to eat. Only with a rich creamy sauce and some wild berries is it eatable.

I dont feel sad when fishing or when killing animals, neihter do I feel superior, glad or horny. Perhaps maybe confident sometimes, but that is probably because the ability to feed from the land gives you confidence. Still, it isnt something I do for fun. Or go around bragging about.

What I tried to point out is that when you take out a species in an area it affects other species as well. Usually in a bad way as balance has developed for hundred of years if not more.

Janne Nilsson

And these wolves you so dearly miss would soon learn they are not being hunted or threatened and would soon quit hunting wild game and come to your backyards and farms for easier prey. You forget that man is a big part of nature also...
As you're working down the list.
Calling us ladies isn't very mature, just because we disagree with you blood lust.
Question sexuality, is hardly any form of consolation for the fact you have prove your machismo by shooting.:wtf:

I also find it quite telling that you guys seem to equate guns with some sort of sexuality. To me they are tools. Hmmm...
Well, I left you out because you were polite,but okay. Your ancestors eradicated wolves and feral dogs for a reason. A lesson you do not remember.Hunting is not about blood lust,that is just a silly thing to say. "Question sexuality" ...ha,it was a light note,so lighten up Nancy. It is a comical statement that you think I prove my machismo by you ever go shooting or is that not allowed? I work a very serious job and use shooting/hunting and painting as a nice escape. If you equate shooting and hunting with blood lust,you need to get out more. I apologized once.
You started the sexuality question. Calling your detractors ladies.
Which I take for an Americanism for weakness/effeminacy.
You've apologised, well goody gumdrops.
No I don't shoot, so I must have a small cock.
But I have seen what firearms can and do on far to many occasions.
The pest control argument is fallacious. All shooting does is manage the population.
Much the same as gamekeeping. Taking out some, increases the food supply for the remainder.
Producing a fitter stronger replacement.
I've got some photos of me seal clubbing if anyone would like to see them.
Shame there isn't audio, as their skulls make a great sound when it opens up. Much like a coconut.:love:
All I can say is you must be naive,
or a little silly to think many on here would be remotely interested to see what you posted.
Best thing to do is agree to disagree.:)
You started the sexuality question. Calling your detractors ladies.
Which I take for an Americanism for weakness/effeminacy.
You've apologised, well goody gumdrops.
No I don't shoot, so I must have a small cock.
But I have seen what firearms can and do on far to many occasions.
The pest control argument is fallacious. All shooting does is manage the population.
Much the same as gamekeeping. Taking out some, increases the food supply for the remainder.
Producing a fitter stronger replacement.
I've got some photos of me seal clubbing if anyone would like to see them.
Shame there isn't audio, as their skulls make a great sound when it opens up. Much like a coconut.:love:
All I can say is you must be naive,
or a little silly to think many on here would be remotely interested to see what you posted.
Best thing to do is agree to disagree.:)

You do not have photos of yourself clubbing baby seals....come on. If you did you would have posted them. :)
I tried to let this go,but a few posts were just wrong.
And these wolves you so dearly miss would soon learn they are not being hunted or threatened and would soon quit hunting wild game and come to your backyards and farms for easier prey. You forget that man is a big part of nature also...

Where do you get that I miss them? I just dont think it was something to brag about or even less to feel proud about. Should I post pictures of the roadkill I have to deliver "Coup de grace" to? What you forget is that man is the one that comes short in the end if natures balance is disrupted.

They way you so outgoing defend yourself actually makes me think that there wasnt a need for this kill? And what about calling us Ladies, do you think you are our Drill Sergeant or something?

How can you feel so agrivated towars an animal? Animals does not do what they do on a purpose, just instinct.

Janne Nilsson
Yes I am a drill instructor with malice towards animals and I do what I do on instinct also. And I did not defend until attacked,strange win,you are far more evolved than I. Let us paint men of war together and not wantonly slaughter.
You started the sexuality question. Calling your detractors ladies.
Which I take for an Americanism for weakness/effeminacy.
You've apologised, well goody gumdrops.
No I don't shoot, so I must have a small cock.
But I have seen what firearms can and do on far to many occasions.
The pest control argument is fallacious. All shooting does is manage the population.
Much the same as gamekeeping. Taking out some, increases the food supply for the remainder.
Producing a fitter stronger replacement.
I've got some photos of me seal clubbing if anyone would like to see them.
Shame there isn't audio, as their skulls make a great sound when it opens up. Much like a coconut.:love:
All I can say is you must be naive,
or a little silly to think many on here would be remotely interested to see what you posted.
Best thing to do is agree to disagree.:)

Hell of a thing to admit right here on the interweb. Hilarious.
I didn't say that, I meant I have no need to kill things to prove my virility.
As they say an inch can fill a pram, and you wouldn't like it as a wart on your nose.:whistle:
I didn't say that, I meant I have no need to kill things to prove my virility.
As they say an inch can fill a pram, and you wouldn't like it as a wart on your nose.:whistle:

Ha,still now every time I see you post,well,now I know about your tiny appendage. Damn it.