Because all the wolves in Sweden were killed approximately 200 years back.
Am I on the right website?
Thought this place was about modelling figures!!
It may surprise you, but - quote:
Miscellaneous and off-topic conversations go here. Be tasteful, rules apply here: e.g. no religion or politics.Seems like so far we managed to avoid religion and politics, its the tasteful bit is currently under scrutiny.I am starting to have a sneaky suspicion that some people use these discussions to artificially boost their "likes" ratings
I think Steve is's a few dead coyotes. Who cares. You want controversial? Here you go, dead Americans at Malmedy. Yeah, I went there; you guys wanna paint SS soldiers who've done far worse than any coyote, but it's okay to display them, right? But not a dead nuisance animal?
I think Steve is's a few dead coyotes. Who cares. You want controversial? Here you go, dead Americans at Malmedy. Yeah, I went there; you guys wanna paint SS soldiers who've done far worse than any coyote, but it's okay to display them, right? But not a dead nuisance animal? And BTW, to refer to someone on here as a cretin is just plain wrong. That's a title I'd reserve for a captured Taliban, not a modeler
If my description of a persons mental state offended anybody I apologise. I still believe he is low life but I should not have printed it. Now its time for the mods to stop this c**p
Wow, really? I never said I believe that painting an SS soldier condones or justifies their real-life actions. If you got THAT out of my post, well, then you should clearly re-read it. I was making the point that whether SS soldiers, dead coyotes, or maybe even sheep, there will be SOMEONE who thinks it's questionable, controversial, whatever word you wanna put on it. But sitting there and bad-mouthing a member and hurling personal insults is uncalled for and franky, it's shitty. Things will be controversial, but lets talk about it like men, and not schoolchildren who can't help but sink to immature name calling to get a point across. Live life like you're Hemingway and be a man about it...I can't believe that anyone on here is stupid enough to only be able to resort to calling a fellow member some childish names.Not really a very good comparison and argument. Do you seriously believe that painting a scale model of an SS soldier means that the painter somehow endorses or condones or justifies the actions of the Waffen SS at places such as Malmedy (actually it was the Baugnez Crossroads and I've been there too .... but let's not split hairs).
- Steve
History has its pundits; and Papa wasn't a perfect dude by ANY means but he's a better example of courage, creativity, and originality than anyone the kids today look up to. It's a well known fact that Hemingway was wounded at the front; as for plagiarism, it's a sad fact there's some evidence he might have taken some ideas from others. But I would rather my kids look up to Hemingway than some douchebag musician who's utterly talentless or some celebrity who hasn't done a damn thing but a poor job at acting in a vampire movie.Like Hemingway ? As in lie about your wounds and plagerise other peoples works before blowing your head off ? Possibly not the best example fellah![]()