131. Day, 26. April 2011
The assembly begins!
Today becomes first once the upper part of the body on the nice base …:
Also here once more a quick flow of the "history" of the origin …:
14th of October, 2010 …:
29th of December, 2010.
31st of December, 2010 …:
8th of February, 2011 …:
And today …:
But back to the assembly:
I have decided against an aluminium tube but to use a drill which leads a shadowy existence with me for many years unused in the tool box.
The thing still comes from my ship-model construction time, belonged sometimes to a drill set for the minidrill and was never used, because he is too big for what I make today in such a way.
The thing has the right outside dimension (5 mm) and – above all in the shaft! – a wonderful steel colour which I like much better, than the by far brighter aluminium.
The mill head is moistened at first carefully with 2 component glue for which I take the unbeatable "Stabilit express" again.
The glue is gap-filling and sticks properly "bombproof".
Indeed, he does not harden too fast and brings thus response time and correction time.
Straightened nice vertically, the thing is mounted …:
Afterwards the upper part will provide with "Stabilit express" …
… and the upper part of the body of the bust walks to his place.
After everything is aimed substantially, now the whole sees thus from …:
Tomorrow then is "wedding" – the head should be mounted on the body.
I am very curious on the general view...