Hi Mike,
Yep, I fully understand what you are saying but these are uncertain times that will pass but i.m.h.o. can not be compareed (yet) wth what our (grand) parents had to endure when they were young. Other example.....my dad ( 1929, so 11 when the war started ) also went "underground" to escape the Arbeitseinsatz at the end of the war ( he was 15-16 then ). Survived the 'hungerwinter' and went back to his hometown in 1945, not knowing if his parents were still alive due to heavy bombing. They picked up there lives but he had no prper schooling due to the war. He met my mother but.......was drafted when Indonesia was claiming independence......so of he went to "the east" for another 4 years. He survived, married my mother, went to evening-school, started a family, raised kids etc.etc.
I don't know what he said during the war and during his Indonisia-years. Never talked about it but it is easy to guess.....
And here we are, as said, in uncertain times, we have to stay indoors, perhaps a depression will hit us but.......there's food on the table, noone is knocking on the door to drag you away, no one gets shot but, indeed, perhaps times will not be 100% the same when this is over. But still......looking at my friends grandparents and my own dad.....when they would compare what they went through with what we go through I know what they would say......
Regards ( and I rest my case now )