This is not like the flu. I thought so at first but reading more about the disease gave me quite a shock. It’s not only the higher lethality, even if you live the disease in 20% of cases is a rather evil one, potentially putting you 2 weeks in IC, hooked up to respirators and unconcious, needing months to fully recover. Half the people ending up in IC are under 50, some without underlying health issues. Not something I’d like to catch.
And what’s becoming more evident every day, our hospitals are becoming Corona clinics, with minimal capacity for anything else. This is extreme and unprecented since world war 2 and certainly nothing like seasonal flu.
Then this is a rather new virus, ‘smarter’ than the related SARS one. Less lethal, but more contagious and suspected to be contagious before symptons, which enables it to spread so widely. We also simply do not know yet if we even become immune. There are viruses that, once you catch them, occasionally keep making you ill (such as the herpes one plagueing your lips).
With so much about this virus yet to learn, I think we should be more humble towards nature and the situation.
This is not a media hype. Headlines don’t make hospitals swamp. We should take it seriously.
Stay healthy eveyone!