I know it hasn't any figure on it yet. But it's one of those brilliant bases from Darius miniatures, still needs the armour and more weathering.
I'm less an armour modeller than figures, so any comments welcome.
That looks like a tank that has seen alot battlefields.
The wheels are not good enough in the sprocket's.
Thats the only thing that i can see. Very good paintchipping.
Hi Carl; looks great, the whitewhash is perfect. Looking closely to this little girl it seems to me that it is a DML kit; I don't see any issue with the wheels
hi carl , im no amour painter either ! but what i can see so far looks stop on . they are lovely little kits arent they , is max being painted up as we speak ???
sam b
Whoa, Nellie: Head banger, and I thought "wedgie" meant sumpin'
completely different. Great start, Carl. I really like the effect you have
achieved with the White wash.
Thanks for the comments, maybe I should stick to armour.
Richard it come as a mini kit, rollers, bogie's and wheels need assembling. Then it has the additional armour to fit.
Excellent little offering,
That's a mighty nice surprise! Your tank weathering skills seem to be top notch!
I agree it's a brilliant little piece; got it as well recently and look forward to get a go as well.
Any idea yet on figure(s) to go with this baby?