Pathos Miniatures first release


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Great first releases,,,,I especially like the german.


german full pack copy.jpg
Well, yeah. 100 percent of the time he is USING his rifle left handed, but if those few scenes where is is carrying the rifle (or his .45???) in his right hand are what you want to go with (and he's even carrying the rifle in his left hand in your bottom pic), OK I guess. Still, I see no reason to call him Jackson, make him look like Barry Pepper, then make him right handed. Oh well.







In the picture where he is carrying the rifle in the other hand in formation it's because they are advancing in a formation, where, being on the left side of the patrol, he is pointing his rifle outwards in the direction of a potential enemy rather than inwards to the man on his right. Standard stuff and nothing to do with the hand he uses.

I rather like the bust, whatever hand he has the rifle in, but the picture doesn't prove he has the rifle in another hand, it proves the makers of the film had a military adviser.
In the picture where he is carrying the rifle in the other hand in formation it's because they are advancing in a formation, where, being on the left side of the patrol, he is pointing his rifle outwards in the direction of a potential enemy rather than inwards to the man on his right. Standard stuff and nothing to do with the hand he uses.

Even so the military advisor of the movie should have put him in the right column.
Also in reality the holster of the 45 should be located left.
He can not be right handed when it comes to 45 s and left handed when he uses the springfield
there is no movie with no mistakes.

Thanks for your constructive critisism.
Even so the military advisor of the movie should have put him in the right column
i would not want a left handed sharpshooter covering my left wing.
Also in reality the holster of the 45 should be located left.
He can not be right handed when it comes to 45 s and left handed when he uses the springfield
there is no movie with no mistakes.

Thanks for your constructive critisism.
Thats not true at all. I know several people that shoot rifles left handed and pistols right handed. I know a guy that does everything right handed (writing, throwing a football) but throws a baseball left handed and cannot throw a football left handed. Again, its not what COULD have been and picking and choosing a few pics to support that, but what was typical and the majority of the time, and appropriate to the character. He was left handed, and used the rifle left handed. Period. I'm sure I could find one picture of Babe Ruth holding the bat in his right hand, but that wouldn't make it appropriate to make him right handed. Anyhow, best of luck with your figs.
Oh, BTW, notice in the pic of Jackson carrying the rifle in his right hand, Caparzo and Sgt. Horvath are carrying their rifles lefty.
Regardless of the debate ..... they look like excellet figures and its very interesting to see this new technology put to good use. This offeres up great future possibilities. Welcome Pathos Miniatures to the figure market!!(y)
what the U.S. Army sniper is holding is a 1903/A4/Unertel sniper.rifle. I had thought all were issued to the USMC,but never say never. The Army had the choice between tha t and the '03 M1903A4/Weaver. which is what I think most scout/snipers would have in the ETO
Still a nice figure and I like it

FFS can we have another part of the forum where people can argue about left and right, up or down, right hat wrong hat, too dark too light, not correct time period correct time period and let the guys who want to paint stuff get on with it?
It's not going to affect any major thing regardless if it's Jackson or not. At the end of the's resin.
Lets have a look at what it is.....not what it isn't.
Can we have another forum for people who wouldn't know left from right, up down or anything about what they are painting? Who wouldn't care if the figure was a Viking carrying a Roman sword, a Napoleonic with an M1 Carbine, a Brit in N. Ireland carrying an MG-42, or care that Babe Ruth was left handed and didn't play for the Chicago Cubs???:meh:
Just put in my support for the Totenkopf bust (basic set) :D.
May just convert him to a partisan to spice things up a bit :LOL:.
The PPsh-41 looks Amazing in the test shots :woot:.
Cheers :p!
Can we have another forum for people who wouldn't know left from right, up down or anything about what they are painting? Who wouldn't care if the figure was a Viking carrying a Roman sword, a Napoleonic with an M1 Carbine, a Brit in N. Ireland carrying an MG-42, or care that Babe Ruth was left handed and didn't play for the Chicago Cubs???:meh:

Jeez dude,give it's not that bad of a thing,don't go all IPMS over it.
Can we have another forum for people who wouldn't know left from right, up down or anything about what they are painting? Who wouldn't care if the figure was a Viking carrying a Roman sword, a Napoleonic with an M1 Carbine, a Brit in N. Ireland carrying an MG-42, or care that Babe Ruth was left handed and didn't play for the Chicago Cubs???:meh:

Found the first guy for the new forum...Exhibit A right above!

You're stating I don't KNOW left from right? You're implying I'm stupid? When I eventually meet you I promise you Jason, I will show you left from right sure enough.

I have also noticed you take great pride in being the guy who criticises everyone else's work demanding perfectionism in your own altruistic way.;)
So I decided to have a look at all your work in the Vbench to see what we mortals need to strive to........I found.......absolutely nothing! Except a Maximus figure with two drops of paint on it.:wtf:
What's that all about?

Hope this helps,


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