Pathos Miniatures first release


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Fellows, to shoot and to write are different verbs ... and different actions :)

Our eyes don't see the same way: One sees straight ahead, and the other twists to catch and form the same image. The one that sees straight ahead is called the dominant eye.

There are four major types of people in this world:

Left handed with left dominant eye
Right handed with left dominant eye
Right handed with right dominant eye ...
and left handed with right dominant eye.

How many of you know, at this exact moment, to what group you belong?

This is quite random in mankind: Just as a sample, at my house, I am left handed with left dominant eye, my daughter is right handed with right dominant eye and my wife is right handed with left dominance: She would be in quite some troubles in a sniping school!

In precision shooting you must aim strictly with your dominant eye. The other eye will introduce a parallax error in your shot.

Don't believe? Test this at home: Extend your arm and target a light switch 8 feet away with the point of your forefinger: Focus the switch with your eyes - concentrate - focus the switch and look at the switch - you are going to perceive two fingers as both eyes are focusing the switch far away. Close your left eye ... close your right eye. In one of the cases your finger will move about half a palm away from the switch - that means it is not aligned - The shot would miss for about three inches in just an eight foot shot! The eye that can't align is not your directive eye - the eye that is capable of aligning the forefinger with the switch is your directive eye! This and only this is the eye to aim & shoot. Easy!

So right handed guys with left dominance and left handed guys with right dominance have quite some trouble to handle their weapons correctly. Right? Absolutely right! It's a normal sight to see these guys handling with one hand and aiming with the other hand - the reason is just that! :)

If you wish to know better this phenomena and learn some tricky party games involving fooling the sight, google this term "ocular dominance" And enjoy! :hilarious:
I am left eye dominant,but right handed. I shoot long guns left hand and handguns right handed,see it quite a bit in competition. Not as uncommon as I thought.
I'm right and right, but I have an astigmatism in my right eye so I am trying to teach myself to shoot rifles with RD sights left handed. Otherwise the dot is a colon. I always found it odd to see someone holding a rifle right handed but aiming with their left eye.
Can we have another forum for people who wouldn't know left from right, up down or anything about what they are painting? Who wouldn't care if the figure was a Viking carrying a Roman sword, a Napoleonic with an M1 Carbine, a Brit in N. Ireland carrying an MG-42, or care that Babe Ruth was left handed and didn't play for the Chicago Cubs???:meh:

There is a difference as the bold has a possibility for whatever reasons while the Napoleonic example is only possible with a timemachine.

Janne Nilsson
First of all i have to thank mr.Andreas Motsios for giving me the pleasure to interfear with his project.I have conducted the historical reaserch for the german bust and partially for the us sniper.I also did the sculpting of the indiegogo perks and some refining of the final sculpts.We hope that you embrace our PATHOS (passion) for miniatures and thank you all for your comments and support. Christos Apostolopoulos

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