this is absolutely fantastic...So inspirational...I love your painting skills,I really hope to see some of your art in person in the future.Are you planning any trips to shows here in Germany ???Best regards
Thank you all again for your kind comments. This piece looks like a mounted and i really appreciate the feedback.
Custer the only planned trip i have made this far is for EuroMilitaire in Seprember. Hopefully i ll meet some of you guys there.
well its limited and so it deserves to be painted by an master like you SIR.i think that is one one can sit on the desk and then look at it for hours in amzement.when i think what good feels i have sometimes with my humble paintwork when something turns out not so bad this result must get you highjinks.....
thnaks for the article and pics so far
it surely will be an fest for the eyes
I dont have the words to compliment your work on this piece, I did wish that I had this, as the the sculpted heraldry would really help me, however after seeing your work on this limited edition kit , I really could not do it justice.
Thanks for posting and comgratulations on a fantastic figure