WIP Critique "Pinned Like Rats" - The defence of Rorke's Drift


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Efforts are looking good. The double blow was certainly a doozy.

I hope you have one chap shouting "Don't throw those bloody spears at me!"
Hi Anthony, Adrian, Mike & Chris,
Thanks for for the continued support lads. I have managed to move this on a bit and have the next two figures ready. As I mentioned earlier I have decided to put Imperial Gallery's figure of Chard into the mix and I have raised the right arm into the firing position.
The Zulu has been converted into the falling back position after being shot(he is not going to be shot by Chard though!), but I have just noticed I need to change the iBeshu. There's your homework for tonight.:D
Just a thought, I know the guy who owns and runs the Zulu exhibition, he would love to ad your Dio to it when he next exhibits, that might be in South Africa at Roarkes Drift.
Hi Kevin,
Thank you very much, that is the exact look I am trying to achieve.

Hi Richie,

Your speed is commendable! The conversions are looking great. Are you going to have room for another 10+ figures???


Hi Pete,
I seem to have the bit between my teeth at the minute and things are moving very well, things will slow down a bit, but I hope to have another two to the undercoat stage by the end of this weekend. I can assure you mate I have room for another 5 defenders inside the perimeter and another 4 Zulu's that includes the dead one on the floor that you can see in the photo's, hope to have him finished and a defender.

Hi Adrian,
WOW my dio in South Africa would be something, I hope he's going next year because the speed I paint it will probably take that long.:D

Hi All,
I have managed to get another attacking Zulu converted/undercoated and up to the mealie bag wall. I have tried to change the pose on this one even more and really have him on the front foot. I have also added bulk to the stomach area. So here's his position attacking the wall. I think once the groundwork is completed and the figures are pinned correctly I hope this raises the dynamics a touch more. The base width is going to be increased by about an inch.

I think I have a solution to the spent rounds dilema and have ordered something, when they arrive I will update and let you know. Thanks Mark for the heads up on this one mate, it will be just the job I think.(y)


Its really taking shape now mate,youre working really fast as well which I'm surprised at,ive just noticed another Zulu regiment on the heights - North wall - Independent Fire :ROFLMAO:
When you get close, I'll put you both in touch, we had it originally at the London Film Museum...the opening had the Producers widow, the last few existing members of the cast and Chief Boutelasie's cousin (A Zulu Prince)...in fact Boutelasie will be interviewed and is very much wanting to get the exhibition to Isandlawahla.

Get painting man!!
Fantastic progress Richie,
These figures are brilliantly posed and positioned in the proportionately small space. This will really be an eye catcher Mate. I hope that I get to see it in the flesh at sometime.
Just one question, I have looked through all of the Zulu books you gave me and cannot see any reference to the Zulus having these tall stainless shako's

Keep up the fine work Mate.
All the best,
Fantastic progress Richie,
These figures are brilliantly posed and positioned in the proportionately small space. This will really be an eye catcher Mate. I hope that I get to see it in the flesh at sometime.
Just one question, I have looked through all of the Zulu books you gave me and cannot see any reference to the Zulus having these tall stainless shako's

Keep up the fine work Mate.
All the best,

Hi Keith,
Sorry for being so slow:blackeye:, I'm not going to make anymore metal shako's too much sanding to get them uniform.:ROFLMAO: I'll just stick with the isiCoco.:)

Hi All,
I've had a very productive day. The dead Zulu is ready to clean down and undercoat tomorrow, so that is six done ready for the painting stage. I have also roughed out poses for another four Zulu's and an additional defender, if I can fit him in. Today I have finished a 24th figure in shirt sleeve order firing a Martini Henry.
This was one of the most difficult poses I have made as trying to get the correct firing postion was not easy. In the end I sculpted the trigger hand onto one of Reedees Miniatures Martini Henry's first to get the correct position and then sculpted the arms etc to suit. It may look an easy position but it is quite difficult, well it was for me. The hand is not fixed as I want to remove the Martini for painting.
He is now the figure next to Chard shooting the Zulu. I have also moved the position of Chard's head as it was not right for the firing position.
I have also split a few of the mealie bags and I will sort the mealies running out later on.
Hi All,
I have managed to get the dead Zulu laid on the floor finished to the undercoat stage. I have also left the one in and his position on the wall I currently working on. He has just taken one of Chard's rounds to the head.
Hopefully I will have my new base on Tuesday courtesy of Pete's Bases, so I can start and fix a few things and get on with the groundwork. I also need to alter the mealie bag wall, now it's dried out and settled it has reduced in height, I will either do this this by banking up the ground underneath or another row of bags:X3:.

Hi Richie
Mate that's coming on fantastic I really love the way you have created in a small space by clever positioning of the figures that great sense of controlled desperation which would have been the case when the battle got to that stage .
The SWB area each fig tells a little story awesome well done mate .
Cheers Chris
Good progress Mate,
Like Taff I think that your master plan for positioning the figures is brilliant. Lines of fire and action are all very well calculated and work perfectly.
Sorry to hear about the sack shrinkage. Was it so much that you can add another row?
Really looking forward to the 'Pukka' base making an appearance this week.
All the best,

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