For a 75mm figure I'd use a cocktail stick it'll snap nicely and look great as a broken lance
Looks awesome Pedro!
A round wooden toothpick would work. you can then sculpt the lancehead and the penant so showing the top couple of feet of the lance. Don't forget to show the grass trampled down and lots of churned up mud... the action at the squares came fairly late in the battle, around 4:00 til 6:00 pm if I remember right, so by then the field was a real mess. It probably wouldn't be to hard to scratchbuild a canteen or a cartridge box... just use the piper's equipment as a guide.
However you mount it, the figure is going to look great no matter what
I'm just new to sculpting too, just got to jump in, maybe waste a little putty but what the hell right?
For the colpack:
- Roll the putty in a "sausage" to the diameter you want
- Cut it to the appropriate height
- Use a knife or a scribe to carve the fur around the sides and up onto the crown
- Hollow out the underside
- Shape another piece for the bag and flatten out some small strips for the chinscales
Any part that your not happy with is the side that will be on the ground
I'm sure if you try it... you'll have no problem. I have faith