Finished this yesterday evening. Painting was done last week. Just fiddeling around with the crate's and milliput sandbags.
Hope you all like it. Comment en critism welcome for improving my painting.
Nice job Marc! The figure's great and the sandbags look spot on.
My only criticism is that I find the crate in the foreground a bit of a distraction, it draws my eye away from the focus of the vignette (i.e. the figure itself). Others may or may not agree.
I think when i look at the pictures you are absolutely right. But in real it isn't so prominent. I believe the angle and the bias of the camera is fooling us.
If others find it so, i strip that crate.
He's a real beauty Marc. Great subject and I have always been fond of the Horizon blue (isn't that what it was called?) uniforms. I wish I could achieve that degree of subtle blending with the blue garments. Got a lot of blue figures in my stash to practice on.