A Fixture
I don't critic anyone's work on here,I only give positive comments,I appriciate the hard graft people put in when they put a lot of time and effort into a piece,and it's the positive comments that give members the confidence to go on and improve,people like you just knock people's confidence when you pick tiny faults and dissect every little thing and you contribute nothing positive to the forum.
I agree that if comments just focus on things that can be improved (maybe even in a rude way) and leave out all other nice aspects of a piece on display they don`t help at all.
Helpful information and hints to improve an aspect are not meant to destroy confidence - and if the reply is "no thank`s I like it the way I built it" - where is the problem?
Is it honest to praise each and everything just because it was put on display?
When I put pieces on display I am glad if somebody else might notice an error or has an idea to make it better. A selfconfidence that is built up on false praise is nothing I would strive for. It can end up like this

- And let me suggest to take another look at your recent posts in this particular thread if your goal is to contribute always to this forum in a positive way.
The solution to avoid hurt feelings in respect to feedback on this forum in general might be the option to tag a thread as "NOFD" = "not open for discussion" or "JFD" = "just for display" so that everybody else knows that the person that opened it is not interested in critical comments.
But this thread was started about the importance of historical accuracy....