Well, how time flies. Already 2.5 years ago that I finished the base and started on the figure.
This project is turning into a true modelling ordeal. There are times I wish I never started it...oh yes, it’s my hobby...
Anyway, the plan to convert the figure was not good enough. It was an old Elisena figure of a seated roman lady, but it turned out to be historically inaccurate and somewhat dated and ‘cluncky’. So I started the brave plan to sculpt my very own figure! How hard can it be...?
Cutting a long story short, sculpting is very hard indeed and I made a lot of mistakes, U-turns and re-starts. But, slowly, I think, the end is in sight!
Here is where I am.... to be followed up shortly, as I have momentum now!
The head is a resin copy of a 3D printed head, kindly printed to the right scale by Reedoak (I copied it in resin, saving the original for fear of messing it up), hands will be from Verlinden as are the feet, but modified. The rest is Magicsculp over a wire frame, and lead wire for the waist band.