Printer's Ink


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Active Member
May 13, 2017
Houston, TX
I keep seeing that people use this for metals. What's a good place to buy it when you need it reasonably quickly, like within 7-10 days? Also, it looks like it needs to be mixed with something to work - would Matte Medium work okay? Thanks!
Welcome to PF Beatha.
You'll probably get more local sources soon.
In the meantime, have a look at El Greco's products:-
There may only be three in the range, but they are excellent quality.
I find they mix well with oil paints.
Terre Verte with the gold gives a passable brass.
Black and blue with the silver gives a good steel.

They need a dryer to dry them other wise they never dry. Humbrol carrier is a clear varnish and works well as a dryer. I use a very little amount of W/N Liquin and then Rectified Turpentine to thin the mix.
They need a dryer to dry them other wise they never dry.
I don't use a drier, and I've never had a problem with the El Greco ones.
I leave them for two or three days and then use a dark pin wash for shadows. Next day a touch of the metal on the highlights.
However, be very light-handed when applying the wash. Heavy brushing will cut into the metal finish; so John's point is applicable if you want a rock-hard finish quickly.
As an aside, I've recently started using the acrylic Molten Metals by Darkstar Miniatures, and have found them very effective:-

The printers ink seem rather expensive when so many other alternatives are available, I still have several bottles of "Rose Gold/silver" powders from way-back-when which are still as good as when they were purchased, I also quite like the Valejo "air" metal metallic's for swords and such like.

I would suggest you try the dark star range beatha,they are very good and excellent value for money,alot of modelers use this range and they also do washes as well.(y)