Just thought i'd give all you lads a heads up of a new brush brand i've been trying out.I've always used W&N Series 7 brushes and have tried quite a few different brushes over the many years i've been in this hobby,but nothing really came close to the Series 7,until now.
I came about a site, Artisan Quarters, while browsing and spotted that they sold 3 sizes of Kolinsky sable brushes,0,1,2 so i sent an order just for the number 1 as it's my favourite size and i've been using it daily for about a couple of weeks and i can safely say i've finally found a brush the equal of Series7, and depending how long it lasts could even be better than the series 7 brushes.
The hairs are slightly longer and slimmer than the series 7 and has a point like a needle.I use oils and of course thinners and this brush passed with flying colours.
I've just ordered their no2 and 0 and another size 1 today and i don't part with my money easily,so i have high expectations of these brushes.
Big plus £4.50p per brush (all sizes)
Big minus ,they have the unfortunate name of Brokentoad although it could have been worse e.g. F***** up frog!!!!!
I came about a site, Artisan Quarters, while browsing and spotted that they sold 3 sizes of Kolinsky sable brushes,0,1,2 so i sent an order just for the number 1 as it's my favourite size and i've been using it daily for about a couple of weeks and i can safely say i've finally found a brush the equal of Series7, and depending how long it lasts could even be better than the series 7 brushes.
The hairs are slightly longer and slimmer than the series 7 and has a point like a needle.I use oils and of course thinners and this brush passed with flying colours.
I've just ordered their no2 and 0 and another size 1 today and i don't part with my money easily,so i have high expectations of these brushes.
Big plus £4.50p per brush (all sizes)
Big minus ,they have the unfortunate name of Brokentoad although it could have been worse e.g. F***** up frog!!!!!