Hi there
I seem to remember a larger scale version back in the 1990's didn't know it was in 54mm wouldn't mind adding it to my figure collection. Fingers crossed someone on the Forum knows the producer.
Thanks Polyphemus, although this ebay link is where I found it too.
I asked the seller about the kit and he said it's from TB Models.
I never heard of this company and found nothing relevant to resin figures by googling it :-(
Hello Trex, Viewing your e-bay site the brand name says T.V. Models, not TB Models. I've never heard of either of them. There was an article in Military Modelling on the 1/16th Kirin figure that uses the same painting you posted,
I have never seen this 54mm version before, but it is a really nice looking little vignette. I hope you find it for your collection. Regards, SG
The illustration is by Fortunio Matania, one of the most prolific wartime illustrators published in The Sphere and other illustrated magazines and newspapers. A terrific talent!
Could you possibly show us more photos of the sculpted figures?