Quietly Disappearing


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I'm still about. Finally broke down and got on FB... struggle maintaining more than one social media presence lol
I see most of you reprobates on there anyway

Like a lot of hobbies people drift in and out , I have been doing so for some 45 years and it looks like the tide is taking me out once again :eek:
Like a lot of hobbies people drift in and out , I have been doing so for some 45 years and it looks like the tide is taking me out once again :eek:
As long as it doesn't throw you up somewhere 'orrible Ron! Seriously, I know where you are coming from. I know myself too well, and I'm aware that if I get too focused on something, I will tire of it sooner rather than later, so I pace myself between this hobby and plastic bashing, plus shooting sports. A couple of hours most afternoons is enough to keep me keen.

As long as it doesn't throw you up somewhere 'orrible Ron! Seriously, I know where you are coming from. I know myself too well, and I'm aware that if I get too focused on something, I will tire of it sooner rather than later, so I pace myself between this hobby and plastic bashing, plus shooting sports. A couple of hours most afternoons is enough to keep me keen.


"I might get washed up on a beach where the sea hates to go ":eek:
Yes, I recognise myself in a few of the answers above. Been in and out of this hobb.... obsession for over 45 years now. I too get gradually deeper in, to the point where it became obsessive, and started to be detrimental to real life. Partners will only understand so much.. then, for one reason or other, I loose the flow, muse, will, whatever you call it, and I dont do much for sometimes weeks, sometimes years. As for on-line presence, sometimes that is like real life, I dont play well with others, I try, and I'm alright for a while, but I'm not much of a social bunny, and have a tendency to stay in my own little world. Well, it's as big a world as I like it to be... lol.
I've only just started posting again, been away for the best part of a year, and after a while it gets more daunting to start of again. Glad to be in it again though.
Yes, I recognise myself in a few of the answers above. Been in and out of this hobb.... obsession for over 45 years now. I too get gradually deeper in, to the point where it became obsessive, and started to be detrimental to real life. Partners will only understand so much.. then, for one reason or other, I loose the flow, muse, will, whatever you call it, and I dont do much for sometimes weeks, sometimes years. As for on-line presence, sometimes that is like real life, I dont play well with others, I try, and I'm alright for a while, but I'm not much of a social bunny, and have a tendency to stay in my own little world. Well, it's as big a world as I like it to be... lol.
I've only just started posting again, been away for the best part of a year, and after a while it gets more daunting to start of again. Glad to be in it again though.

Well Henk.....Been in and out of various things including arts and hobbies. Had a business for 25 yrs. and used to be a people person but through progression of age and the fact that that things are not the way they used to be. Besides my wife, family and a select few friends and neighbors. The rest of the world can kiss my ass.

Well Henk.....Been in and out of various things including arts and hobbies. Had a business for 25 yrs. and used to be a people person but through progression of age and the fact that that things are not the way they used to be. Besides my wife, family and a select few friends and neighbors. The rest of the world can kiss my ass.


I've become more insular over the years, not by angry choice, just a natural progression. Apart from work (I'm a truck driver, so human contact is necessary but minimal by nature :cool:), I dont really interact with more than one other person on a day to day basis. I'm in a somewhat complicated relationship, which is as much as I can be bothered with as far as other people go. I do like to be on the internet though, because it is nice to interact with likeminded people, when it suits. Like right now. But possibly not tomorrow :unsure::). I like to share this hobby,(my work, looking at other peopkes work etc) which is virtually impossible in the real world, especially if there are no shows ...
It must be an age thing. I used to be quite outgoing but as I've got older I find I can't be arsed with a majority of what goes on. I have a very small circle of real friends, and a bigger one of good acquaintances (some through this hobby), but most of the time it's me, the wife and the dog. With life on the back burner for a whole year, it hasn't improved anything. I think of all my neighbours sat about with nothing to occupy them except shopping and daytime TV, and I realise how lucky I am to have interests.

It must be an age thing. I used to be quite outgoing but as I've got older I find I can't be arsed with a majority of what goes on. I have a very small circle of real friends, and a bigger one of good acquaintances (some through this hobby), but most of the time it's me, the wife and the dog. With life on the back burner for a whole year, it hasn't improved anything. I think of all my neighbours sat about with nothing to occupy them except shopping and daytime TV, and I realise how lucky I am to have interests.


Well Phil . daytime TV and going to the supermarket for a year now has just about destroyed any ambition these days , oh and walking from one room to the next and staring out of a different window to the pissing rain .

Some light at the end of the tunnel though as things in the garden are beginning to grow ; albeit very slowly but a few plans for new plants ,some air layering of maples and new edging which has been done over the winter months .
Hope wee Nicola will allow the garden centres to open soon or we will miss all the spring planting like last year.
Well Phil . daytime TV and going to the supermarket for a year now has just about destroyed any ambition these days , oh and walking from one room to the next and staring out of a different window to the pissing rain .

Some light at the end of the tunnel though as things in the garden are beginning to grow ; albeit very slowly but a few plans for new plants ,some air layering of maples and new edging which has been done over the winter months .
Hope wee Nicola will allow the garden centres to open soon or we will miss all the spring planting like last year.

Strangely English garden centres stayed open this lockdown but infection rates are falling yet they are rising in Scotland with stricter rules.:confused:
Strangely English garden centres stayed open this lockdown but infection rates are falling yet they are rising in Scotland with stricter rules.:confused:

It's a bit apples and pears, the positive test numbers were expected to increase when the older pupils returned to school.
A significant number of these pupils have taken up the offer to be tested hence the slight spike. The hospital admissions, icu and death rate figures are at least levelling and showing a downward trend. Complacency is the big enemy though.
Well Phil . daytime TV and going to the supermarket for a year now has just about destroyed any ambition these days , oh and walking from one room to the next and staring out of a different window to the pissing rain .

Some light at the end of the tunnel though as things in the garden are beginning to grow ; albeit very slowly but a few plans for new plants ,some air layering of maples and new edging which has been done over the winter months .
Hope wee Nicola will allow the garden centres to open soon or we will miss all the spring planting like last year.

The brakes come off a bit down here on Monday. It'll be hell on wheels as the weather is set fine for a few days. Bournemouth and Brighton - watch out!! Me, I'm staying put:X3:

The brakes come off a bit down here on Monday. It'll be hell on wheels as the weather is set fine for a few days. Bournemouth and Brighton - watch out!! Me, I'm staying put:X3:


Good call mate. I'm sure the residents of most of the English coastal resorts will be pretty anxious.
Let's hope sense prevails.....doubt it though.
Good call mate. I'm sure the residents of most of the English coastal resorts will be pretty anxious.
Let's hope sense prevails.....doubt it though.

I fear the worst for England 50 million people let loose , by September we will be in a worse place than now
I was out front yesterday washing the wife's car (I know my place!) and my neighbour walked by. He said "I'll be glad when we can get abroad - I deserve a holiday". This is a 40-somthing who has been on furlough since last March, and has been out and about every day on his £2k mountain bike. His wife is supposedly "working from home" but she's always out. I told him to go look up "deserve" in the dictionary. I don't think he got it:X3:. Del and Ron - you are absolutely right - some will be sensible, most won't.
Rant over (for now)
