I took the first option and like Marc above me, coming from a club with so much Aircraft and AFV Historical background (I was an aircraft modeller before) yes Marc we have those who count the rivets and while they may be the back naggers who never complete a model and all they do is scrutinize your work, it is thanks to the likes of them that the bar raises!! It is thanks to them to research where possible and double check before you make something hastily only to find out the next club meeting, that you did this and that incorrect, and the info was there beneath your nose!!
To sum all my bla bla bla........if I for one can make a historically correct model I will do it no questions asked........its not that I never took some liberty of the so called artistic licence, but can I ask a question here? Why is it that Napoleonics, WWI & WWII are amongst the few eras that almost no one accepts GIMMICKS on, while when we tend to go further back in History, the Historical aspect tends to simmer, sometimes DRASTICALLY, and we see more so called "artistic/hollywood licence" CREEPING in and it gets APPLAUDED!? Where is this all leading us as the modellers/buyers/consumers!? I sure hope not in a dark alley way!?
Ok, fair enough if one wants to enjoy the hobby either way he/she wants, so be it, but can shows/competitions across the globe be a bit more aware re this "artistic/hollywood licence" as regards the figures, like they rigorously do vis a vis Aircraft, AFV's & ships models??
I mean we the modellers per se are a bit innocent in this, as many a GREATLY SCULPTED figure comes off the oven like hot cheesecakes, and the TEMPTATION to assemble and paint is so GREAT believe me, but on the other hand, would someone buy and paint a greatly sculpted Napoleonic if it would have some "fantasy" incorporated in it for example? I'm mentioning Napoleonics with all due respect please and I want to stress that my reply is in no way a political (have enough of the nonsense in my country) one!!
Its my 2cents worth as I have been bred in a club S.S.M (Society for Scale Modellers) to which and whom I owe all I know, including those back naggers who instilled in me the fervour for the Scale and for the History of ALL miniatures!!