I hate to say it, but no matter how much anyone says not to do it, points out the morality or whatever of doing it, its going to happen. And it's because of one thing (IMO): price. I have purchased known recasts before, of S&T figures. S&T are long gone, I have bought almost EVERY original S&T figure that I could find, some in multiples ( usually at a premium price. Thank goodness I got that 1/9 mountain man...
). I fall under the category of feeling that they are out of business and are no longer selling originals, so no harm, no foul. If they or someone else started selling originals again, I would be all over them. But when it comes down to it, when you look at 2 figures, one a recast and one an original, that have a difference in price that can be 4-500%, I can see why people are tempted. An original Young bust goes for between $60-$80. I see recasts of them all the time on E-bay for $25. And I will tell you this. The recast S&T figures I got were excellent, better than some originals by other manufacturers. No bubbles, excellent resin, and very minimal shrinkage. Would I rather pay more for originals? Of course, but thats no an option in this case.
My thoughts on it are 1)price to sell in larger volumes at lower prices. Selling 100 at a $10 profit is better than selling 20 at a $30 profit while the recaster gets the rest. Shrink the price difference as much as possible 2) don't count on creating/selling figures as a primary source of income. 3) Limit where and how you sell. If most members here are willing to pay the higher prices to support manufacturers and support the hobby, limit sales to members in good standing of this and any other figure dedicated site you may visit. E-bay is a sure way to get your figures into recasters hands. Selling though a online retailer assures that anyone can buy them anywhere in the world. Sorry guys, reality is you aren't going to stop it by shaming or morality pleas. I would say that it's like playing whack-a-mole, but its more like whack-a-cockroach. You might kill one, two, five or a hundred, but there are always more to take their place. If your time and effort used in creating the figures is worth the higher price, how much is your time worth trying to get E-bay or Ali Express to stop selling recasts?