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Great workshop. I came knowing my limitations and learned much more than I expected, not only from Fernando but also everyone else. Thanks Bill, Doug, Terry and Joe for the direct help and to the others for making this so successful.
Thanks, Gordy for making this such a success and to Charles and Chris and Alex and (fill in your name here) for making it so much fun.
I hope to get to more of the shows, now that I have more confidence in my work, it is still a matter of practice so for lunch I'm having Khaki and Burnt Cadmium Red.

Ted Paone
Great workshop. I came knowing my limitations and learned much more than I expected, not only from Fernando but also everyone else. Thanks Bill, Doug, Terry and Joe for the direct help and to the others for making this so successful.
Thanks, Gordy for making this such a success and to Charles and Chris and Alex and (fill in your name here) for making it so much fun.
I hope to get to more of the shows, now that I have more confidence in my work, it is still a matter of practice so for lunch I'm having Khaki and Burnt Cadmium Red.

Ted Paone

Don't forget about orange brown and basic skintone as side courses!
Glad you guys learned uysefukl things and had a good time. I hope to see you all in the future!
Fernando and Gordy,

I know you guys are working on something to give us, but as I wanted to go ahead and work on my figure based on your figure, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I get the base colors, highlight and shadows for:

The overcoat
The shoes
The leather carrying case
The CAT (and those wonderful eyes)

When you had finished the painting - did you use any flat, semi-gloss, or gloss on any part of the piece? If so was this sparyed or done with a brush.

Thanks for any help. Dave

I'm not sure if this helps:
Fernando gave out the Cape colors at the end of the last session;

Black Green and Burnt Umber as base with Orange Brown for High Lights.

Stippling - etc with
Black, Oxford Blue, Orange brown, Burnt Cadmium Red

-Orange Brown wash

-Oxford Blue

-Burnt Umber on bottom edge

-Black for dirty areas and stain

-retouch high lights w/ Khaki & Basic Skin Tone inner coat
The above is from Darla's notes

Thanks Warren for responding! Still hoping to hear about the other items I asked about or a CD copy of the slide presentation (which would be helpful to all of us) Dave
Thanks Warren for responding! Still hoping to hear about the other items I asked about or a CD copy of the slide presentation (which would be helpful to all of us) Dave

Yes, thank you very much Warren!

Dave, Fernando is presently at Euro this weekend and will return shortly ;)
Thanks Warren for responding! Still hoping to hear about the other items I asked about or a CD copy of the slide presentation (which would be helpful to all of us) Dave

I too would like to have had the answer. Darla and I head head out to Hilton Head today for a week. During which we plan to do so more painting violinist style. At least we have the list of paints Fernando used.

See you in Chicago.
Fernando and Gordy,

I know you guys are working on something to give us, but as I wanted to go ahead and work on my figure based on your figure, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I get the base colors, highlight and shadows for:

The overcoat
The shoes
The leather carrying case
The CAT (and those wonderful eyes)

When you had finished the painting - did you use any flat, semi-gloss, or gloss on any part of the piece? If so was this sparyed or done with a brush.

Thanks for any help. Dave

Hi, all!
Sorry for this late reply but things have been pretty busy around here lately. Apart from lot of translation work, some miniatures to paint ant other issues to attend, last weekend I went to Euro so this is the first weekend in some time I manage to sit in front of the computer to attend e-mails, the blog and the forums.
I'm doing the promised SBS on the Violinist. It will be ready later or maybe tomorrow, so you can count on having it very soon.
Thanks for the patience!(y)
Hi Guys!
I use Winsor Newton and Raphael Kolinsky brushes - and like both brands, but I also really liked my Vallejo brushes that I got at the workshop! I have looked to find a place to buy some, and can't find where to buy them - any ideas? Find plenty of retailers with the paints, but not the brushes!!

Looking forward to that SBS! Best, Dave W.:whistle:
Dave, hello my friend. I remembered that Fernando told us nobody in the US sells the Vallejo brushes, I have bought them before at, they are at Spain but the packages sending by them arrives fast, for me, they provides a great service.
Carlos (from Mexico).
Thanks Carlos for the information. That is most helpful. Hope your having time to paint!:D Warmest regards, Dave
just found this on my camera.

Fernando and Mikey Boy.

Thanks Joe! I too would really like at least the color combinations sooner than later. I had hoped to have them to finish my piece before Chicago, but now hoping for Atlanta show. It's not that I couldn't go ahead and do my own mixes, but I wanted to try Fernando's mixes to see how he obtained his paint job - I understand the basic process, but I'm still a at a loss when it comes to color mixes! Regards to all.

Joe, sorry you couldn't make it to Chicago, but great visiting with Tony, Gordy, Mike, Chris, and John at the Chicago show. Forgive me if I left anybody out! Dave

In my notes I have khaki and basic skintones as the colors used - but I think I remember using some burnt umber as well for the deepest shadows. Also there were tiny bits of color that he used I believe in the thinnest of washes - violet and oxford blue to give it a little extra. If anyone else has anything different, please let us both know. Best, Dave W.
Hi, buddies!
I have sent the completed SBS to Gordy so he can make a downloadable PDF with it. The text spans 22 pages and has 150 pics so I think is much more handy that way. i imagine you will have it shortly.
I want to apologize for the huge delay in having the SBS ready. Since I returned from St. Louis I have had much less time than I expected. Intense translating work on two inminent videogame releases, painting compromises for companies and collectors, trips to shows, another seminar in Girona and the preparations of some more I have been asked to give have left me very few time for anything.
The good thing about it is that you can always lear from the mistakes made. next year, every attendant will have his copy of the SBS ready for the seminar.(y)
Any doubts you may have about the painting process, just ask.
Again, thanks all for the patience you have shown.

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