Requeté bust


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Rafa Cebrian

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
This is another job that I have now pending printing, a bust of a "requeté", based on a well-known photo of the Spanish civil war.
The Requeté (whose members were called requetés or red berets) was a Carlist paramilitary organization created at the beginning of the XX century that participated in the Spanish Civil War, reaching to integrate more than 60,000 voluntary fighters divided into 67 Tercios who fought in favor of the side of the rebels, with the aim of defending the Catholic religion and opposing Marxism.



Thanks, Martin. The "requetés" were militias opposed to the republic, the poster you have put and the "will not pass" is republican. ;););)
I know. I wanted to say the Franco facists will loose at least - and they did, even if it has lasted until our days ...!

¡Viva la España democrática!

(Descendant of a fighter of the Thälmann brigade)

No creo que un foro de modelismo sea el lugar adecuado para hablar de esto, pero hasta donde yo se el gobierno de la república fue elegido democráticamente, a los que se sublevaron nadie les había votado.

I do not think a modeling forum is the right place to talk about this, but as far as I know the government of the republic was democratically elected, those who revolted no one had voted for them.
Y también hay que tener cuidado con lo que se replica alegremente. Evidentemente todo esto es contradictorio, por tu parte y por la mía, pero no entiendo tu actitud Antonio Meseger, nos conocemos y tienes mi correo, si crees que me he equivocado me envías un email y lo hablamos. Si el moderador considera inadecuados los post que los borre y punto.

And you also have to be careful with what is happily replicated. Obviously all this is contradictory, on your part and mine, but I do not understand your attitude Antonio Meseger, we know each other and you have my mail, if you think I've made a mistake you send me an email and we'll talk about it. If the moderator considers inappropriate messages then delete them.
Precisamente porque para alegrar los oídos a alguien que no sabe del tema más que lo leído en Internet no es necesario dejar la asepsia y la moderación.
¡Por supuesto, los interbrigadistas eran voluntarios para un gobierno elegido democráticamente!

El homónimo de la brigada, en el que mi antepasado por una España libre y democrática comenzó su vida, Ernst Thälmann, estuvo en el campo de concentración nazi durante casi seis años y fue asesinado allí en 1944, después de once años en régimen de aislamiento.

Mis parientes también perdieron la vida, ¡pero él no cayó en la lucha!

En 1939 logró salir de España y viajar con otros 500 Interbrigadisten a través de Le Havre en barco a la Unión Soviética. Una vez allí, fue encarcelado de inmediato por la NKVD de Stalin y luego asesinado a tiros.
¡Otros fueron extraditados a la Alemania nazi después del Pacto Hitler-Stalin y asesinados por las SS!

En la Unión Soviética, los ex interbrigadistas fueron arrestados y ejecutados en la década de 1950.

Los comunistas honestos han pagado casi toda su vida por su convicción y compromiso ...

¡El mundo no es blanco y negro y no todos los comunistas son malvados!


Of course, the Interbrigadistas were volunteers for a democratically elected government!

The namesake of the brigade, in which my ancestor fought for a free and democratic Spain, Ernst Thälmann, was in a Nazi concentration camp for almost six years and was assassinated there in 1944, after eleven years in solitary confinement .

My ancestor also lost his live, but he did not fall in combat!

In 1939 he managed to leave Spain and travel with another 500 Interbrigadists through Le Havre by ship to the Soviet Union. Once there, he was immediately imprisoned by Stalin's NKVD and then shot to death.

Others were extradited to Nazi Germany after the Hitler-Stalin Pact and killed by the SS!

In the Soviet Union, former Interbrigadistas were arrested and executed in the 1950s.

Most of the honest communists have paid with their lives for their conviction and commitment ...

The world is not black and white and not all communists are evil!
