Riggin'...Online Booklet


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The first 35 steps are complete except for the belaying points of each rope.Somewhere down the road I plan to make a belaying point diagram for each step shown here.
From now on each step will be completed as fully as possible before moving on to the next step.It is just too much of a hassle to come back and edit the information later.
Anyone using my rigging plan would already have many months of work before them just to bring their ship to this stage.
If everything goes as planned I am hoping to add about a step a day on average.
Good luck! Cheers. John.
I have added the following to the first post as I only now realized that a beginner would want this important information before starting any rigging.

Please note: the decision to use harbour,furled or full sail rig has to be made very early in the process .I plan to discuss some of the full sail rigging options later.
Step 36

Bowsprit Horses (manwalk)

one each side of 5" rope ,one end secured to the marine walk grating and the forward end ties off to the upper eyebolts of the sides of the bowsprit caps.(This is the only set of horses placed above and not below the spar.)They are used as handropes for men walking on the bowsprit.

Long P227

Hack P67
Step 37

Flying Jib Stay

3" rope from foretopgallant mast just above the shrouds ,tied off around the flying jib boom close to its outer end.

Long P225

Hack P67
Steps 38,39 and 40.

Royal Backstays.

Fore royal backstay -one each side 3" rope tied at the mast truck and leading to the aftermost eyebolts in the forechannels.

Main royal backstay-as above except leading to the eyebolts of the main backstay stools.

Mizzen royal backstays-as above except using a 2" rope ,leads to after eyebolts of the mizzen stools.

Long P233
Step 41

Main Royal Stay

2" from truck of main royal mast to tie off around the fore royal mast above the foretopgallant shrouds.

Long P224

Hack P67
Step 42

Mizzen Royal Stay

2" rope from truck of mizzen royal mast to tie off around the head of main topmast just above the crosstrees.

Long P224

Hack P 67
Step 43

Inner Martingale

Long P227

Hack P67

4" rope tied to the jib traveler under the jib boom ,leads through the uppermost sheave in the dolphin striker.through the port side of the bowsprit collar and ends in a 9" single becket block.A 9" single block is tied to the port knighthead,and the two blocks are connected in a gin tackle by a 2" rope with its fall tied off around the knighthead.
Step 44

Outer Martingale

Long P227

Hack P67

4" rope from outer end of the jib boom,through the second highest sheave in the dolphin striker,through the starboard side of the bowsprit collar,ending in a 9" single becket block.A 9" single block is tied to the starboard knighthead and the blocks are connected as in step 43 above.
Step 45

Flying Martingale

Long P227

Hack P67

4" rope tied to flying jib boom at the same point as the flying jib stay,through the third highest sheave of dolphin striker,through the starboard side of bowsprit collar,ending in a 9" single becket block.A 9" single block is tied to the starboard knighthead,and the blocks connected as in step 44 above.
__________________________________________________ ____
Formula To Find The Circumference Of Any Rope At Any Scale.
__________________________________________________ ____

1/TPI X 22/7 X scale =rope circumference.

Using a dowel mark off 1" in length.Take the rope that you want to find the circumference of and wrap the dowel with the string,thread or whatever you are using.Then count the number of turns it takes to cover the 1" length already marked on the dowel and that is the TPI(Turns per inch).Multiply that number by 22 over 7 and then multiply that by the scale that you are working with and that will give you the circumference of the rope as it exists in real life.
Example: 1 over 24(TPI) multiplied by 22 over 7 multiplied by the scale of your ship 78=10.2"(approx) circumference .
Step 46

Fore Royal Stay

Long P224

Hack P67

3" rope from truck of the fore royal mast,through the notched tip of the flying jib boom,through the lowest hole of the dolphin striker,through the port side of the bowsprit collar,ending in a 9" single becket block.A 9" single block is tied to the port knighthead ,and the blocks are connected as in stage above.
Step 47

Jib Traveler Outhauler

Note: this is actually part of the running rigging and a biege colored rope should be used. Installing it now is a good idea because it will be too hard to work on later.

Tie a 12" single becket block to the eyebolt on the front face of the bowsprit cap.Tie a 3 1/2" biege rope to the jib traveler above the boom,lead it forward and down through the sheave in the neck of the jib boom,and back towards the bowsprit cap,tying a 12" double block in its end.Connect the blocks with 3" beige rope in a luff tackle,and tie off the fall .

Long P234

Hack P68.
The last pic shows a typical yard with its horses (footropes),its stirrups supporting them and its flemish horses of single loops of rope under the yardarms.These are better installed before the yards are fitted to the mast,but care must be taken to make them fit so that they hang below the yard when they are in place.The horses sag below all yards,their inner ends crossing each other and tied off around the yardarm beyond the yards center point.Stirrups are evenly spaced along the yard.Flemish horses are tied around eyebolts screwed into the tips of the yards.
I am a 3D guy and not much of an illustrator and this is my first attempt at an illustration. I worked it up in photoshop as a test for future illustrations.There are areas on my Victory that I just cannot reach properly with my camera so I think that a few drawings are in order.
The one above is of the starboard side of the bowsprit looking down.