A quick photo of the blocked in shield design for my Pegaso 75 mm Roman Tribune. This was done with acrylics. The next stages will be done with oils, as usual.
Hi Johan
I'm very impressed with the shield. What was your source for the three wolves/dogs design? Was it hand drawn or painted straight from a reference source?
Love the shield design. Reminiscent of the three headed hound Cerberus from ancient mythology. Also seen on the wall of the Aventine collegium of Lucius Vorenus in the mini series Rome.
Many thanks for the comments made. I am glad you like the work on the shield.
To answer to some of your questions: because I wanted to stay in line with the overall Greek appearance of the Tribune I chose as a design the representation of the three headed dog or Cerberus, in ancient Greek and Roman mythology the guardian of the underworld.
My design was based on this Athenian red-figure amphora, dated in the late 6th century BC and now on display in the Musée du Louvre at Paris. And as Tony stated, indeed it was also used as Lucius Vorenus's collegium sign as a decoration on one of the pillars in his tavern.
It was first printed as to fit the measurements of the shield and then the work could start to copy the design using the print as an example. This was done starting from a rough pencil drawing and then further building it up free-handedly with the heavily diluted acrylic paint.