Completed Royal Horse Artillery Officer. Stormtroopers, 120mm


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As you pointed out I'm untrained, so I must have confused artistic anatomy with the gross type of thing.
Why is constructive truthful criticism defined by you as fault finding and belittling? Much the same as you stating the, "Basic figurative sculpting errors unfortunately". A little condescending don't you think? Also purely subjective.
So going back to my initial comment, that perhaps you could post. Maybe then you could be given the sculpting godlike status, that some forum members like to bestow. Wouldn't you be better sticking to "other" forums, were they aren't as sensitive, and you can tear work apart freely? Just for you to dismiss any doubt I had, of you being sanctimonious, you closed with. "If you had any understanding of artistic anatomy then you wouldn't be questioning my post. Simples."
I'm not worthy,
See, this is exactly what I was on about. So now you suggest I stick to other forums, great. Who are you? The site owner? YOU WANT ME BARRED!!!, no doubt that's the next step. Open a poll then, like I care. I like a lot of stuff on here very much and say so but when figures are posted that are so badly done by top sculptors it's fair to point things out, it's not belittling anyone at all. I said that a paramedic course isn't an artistic anatomy class. It isn't, the comparison is utterly ludicrous! Errors are errors. Period. Sorry if this upsets you. If you think I'm sanctimonious that's your problem. Why can't I comment on sculptural errors without being insulted? You haven't even commented on what I originally said for christ sakes before getting personal! I'll post my work if and when I want to, not just to justify anything to you as I've nothing to prove so you'll just have to suck that one up. Look, just go out and get a couple of standard artistic anatomy books, do that, study them for a while OK? Maybe take a class in life drawing or sculpture, it's really recommended for anyone interested in figures. Simples.
I see you found the Caps lock.
I found this, will it help?


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Hi mates!

@taffjones: nothing special, I think that it's just practice ;)
@Jan Willen: To paint the golden laces I used a base of: English Unif, Orange brown and Japan Unif. Highlighted with Sunny skintone and Ivory

thanks to all

Excellent work. Can you explain the blue?


And?...what? that's it. There you go. I've said what I felt about a figure and yet again it results in a childish spat and insults. No mature discussion of the topic, just banal insults and sarcasm from the off. Housecarl please take a step back and grow up. Why is my criticism of certain figures so upsetting to you? This thread has become ridiculous thanks to you. Maybe you aren't aware of what I'm talking about in the first place or are just unable to see it. If the latter is the case then get a reputable book on human anatomy for the artist.
If the anatomical errors are so blatantly obvious, why then is it only you that can see them?
Every other post has been to comment on the painting, which is understandable as it is a painting thread.
Stu did post that you'd taken the time to pass comment in the sculpting thread. Yet you felt it necessary to repeat it again here.
I'm aware of what you initial statement was, as I did comment on the fact that I thought it condescending. "Basic figurative sculpting errors unfortunately"(subjective, but I thought it condescending)
I bow to you superior knowledge, and don't take that as sarcasm. As you must be able to see something that nobody else can.
I'm fairly anatomy booked out, so I'll stick to splashing paint.
My apologies to Stu and Iguazzu for taking the thread on a little tangent.
Hi Guys ,

This is a great piece of work both painting and sculpting , I love the pose .

Iguazzu are a wonderful painter I too would like you to share the blues as well as how you approached the fleshwork ......

How do you approach metals ie the sword in this case ?

Thanks for posting I love the painting .

Hi mates!

to paint the blue I used several colors that I'd to correct all the times, cos' I didn't want a pure black neither a light blue. But mainly I used as base black (VMC) + Coal Black (P3) + a bit of Oxford Blue (VMC) then you have to get a balanca between the grey-blue and the black, adding greys and blues to the lights.

Hope it helps

Beautiful paint work, the sculpt though has major flaws, the figure is not balanced, if you draw a plumb line from the chin to the inside ankle of the leg that the weight of the body is resting on it should line up, however it doesn't on this figure and therefore looks very odd indeed plus the shoulders are not indicating the weight resting on the right leg. Basic figurative sculpting errors unfortunately.

I have looked at the figure from all angles and don't see your point. With a standing figure, the centre of gravity must fall through one foot or between the feet. Weight can be shared between limbs or be supported by a single limb. With moving figures, the centre of gravity can lie outside this area, the more it does so, usually, the faster the individual is moving (unless falling down).

Happy modelling,

I have to say that I am now the proud owner of this piece of work and having seen it in the flesh both the Sculpting and Painting are top notch...really can't see what the fuss is all about, it really is dangerous as Stu points out to raise criticisms from Photographs of either painting or Sculpting. I believe areas of this forum also differentiates between Completed figures and WIP's where criticism is requested and far more acceptable.

I have looked at the figure from all angles and don't see your point. With a standing figure, the centre of gravity must fall through one foot or between the feet. Weight can be shared between limbs or be supported by a single limb. With moving figures, the centre of gravity can lie outside this area, the more it does so, usually, the faster the individual is moving (unless falling down).

Happy modelling,

Nah, you're wrong about weight and standing limbs but right about moving figures.
Moz ,

How cute (y) the hairstyle !!!! ..heavan forbid pictures of me when I was a lad ..scary !!

As always ..great sculpting from your goodself ..looking forward to seeing more please .

Great painting, produced in quality by a great company and as always superb sculpting.
I maybe biased but if, as Old Grumbler says, learn by mistakes, well I think after all the sculpts Moz has done, he does know his subject.
Stu is fully qualified in anatomical knowledge and as a painter myself agree this is the wrong area to comment on other areas.
Agreed everyone is entitled to an opinion, I view the forum daily through all areas and to be honest never seen a positive from Old Grumbler.
Stick by your guns people, if you like great and let's be grateful we have painters and manufacturers and of course sculptors to give us this.
If you don't like it then that is also fine but please post in the correct thread and stop killing the maker, if not carefull the maker(s) may not make anymore, but then again some people will no doubt
find something else to moan about:))))))))
Happy new year
I say a great piece and congrats to all 3
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