21. Day, November 25, 2015
So, since I've slept through fully and have not come to paint, there's only research today.
The Russian soldiers went in a summer uniform in the Russo-Japanese War, which came from the year 1899.
This included a white, peakless cap as our already well-known picture shows ...:
In the same uniforms, the Russians had fought in the suppression of the Chinese Boxer Rebellion 1900-1901 - our next picture shows a Russian along with Indian (= British) colonial troops ...:
The last question, whether this cap was worn at the 11th East Siberian Rifle Regiment, with which we are dealing with here, answers this Panel.Top right we find the said cap ...:
Links above the counterpart for officers can be seen: Their cap was also white, but with peak and the cockade was worn on the hat band - the soldiers wore it in this period at the cap lid.
Because the visor is so delivered at the bust as an individual part, I can now realize the unshielded cap in white.
In the German / Prussian army this peakless caps were called "Krätzchen" the Russians it was called "Furaschka" ...
Okay, let's take white...