Completed Russian Sniper, 1942


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A Fixture
Nov 21, 2010
stoke on trent
Hi guys,
have been busy this holiday, tying up a few loose ends! This is a 54mm Pissaro figure(I think!), with resculpted head, painted in enamels, with artists pastels added for dust, HB pencil on helmet rim, etc . Not my usual area of interest, but never say never!!


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thanks for the comments! Ive only ever used enamels ever since i started modelling 40 plus years ago!! the technique i use is to basecoat in the colour required, allow to dry (next day) then apply the shade mix to the shadows, then blend the edges into the base colour with a clean brush dampened with white spirit. Repeat with highlight colour.
Occasionally, there is a slight sheen on the blend, so i again allow to dry thoroughly, then apply a thinned coat of satin varnish to seal the surface (i had to do this on the cape of this figure). Then finally a matt varnish to dull it all down.
This is not intended as a 'How to do it', more of a 'How I do it!' As with all things, this has come about with much trial and error! Hope this helps
Keep modelling,

Thanks mate (y) I'm assuming that you use a clean brush dipped in white spirits to blend the edges together. Forgive me if I appear a little dumb asking this question, but I would rather be sure than sorry!

Just another question if I may. When you are using shading/lightening shades, do you use straight black/White or do you use darker shades of the base colour?

I told you I was a newbie!

Jas (y)
no probs! Yes, blend the edges of both the highlights and shadows into the base colour to soften the transition (if you can pick it up from the photos?!)
I dont usually use black or white to mix with. As I use Humbrol, I like to use either 103,147 or 121 to lighten and 67, 104 or 96 to darken, depending on the base shades. For flesh I basecoat in 62, mid tone with 61, lightened with white for highlights, again with much blending! Have a look also at my two Crimean busts further back in the painting section, it may help you to see blending using different colours,
hope this helps,
Thanks Steve!

I'm planning to do my next figure in enamels, I suppose I feel more comfortable with enamels than acrylics. However, I found the joys of oils for faces, so will stick with those. One lesson I learnt was never use Games Workshop paints for faces, as some troops I did looked like the living dead :lol:

If I need your help, I'll drop you a line!

Jas (y)