WIP Suvorov from Legion Miniatures


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My learning curve regarding the base , mid and highlight colours for metals has just made a steep trajectory in a new upwards direction....thanks. I am looking forward to using these techniques, and those from two other good 'planeteers', in my next two figures that will appear on vBench in the next couple of weeks.
Your figure is continuing well, IMHO.
Beautiful work mate, I can almost smell the linseed oil. Love the blue in the sash, is this shot silk which would be fantastic or ordinary blue silk?

Cheers Simon
Hi Simon,

Thanks for the comment, much appreciated. The sash is shot silk, but I’ve rarely seen moiré or iredescent silk convincingly painted on a figure, so I used a mix of iredescent white in the blue, knowing my limits!

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the comment, much appreciated. The sash is shot silk, but I’ve rarely seen moiré or iredescent silk convincingly painted on a figure, so I used a mix of iredescent white in the blue, knowing my limits!

Hi, that's a smart move iredescent paint is quite a good option. I think the only time shot silk works well is on large scale flats.

Cheers Simon
Hi Pierre

Nice to see the update , good to see how you approach the stars etc

Do you use a matting agent like AK on Oils when fully dry ? Or a heat lamp to Matt down ?

Nice work on the sashes

Looking forward to seeing the head

Thanks for sharing

Hello Nap,

No matting agent involved, just time and technique of using shadow and highlight with 'meagre' oil paint wet on dry. Oil paints are always thinned with White spirit, never turps. Eventually everything dries matt or to a very soft sheen, which is OK for me.

Nice progress since last taking a look... The colors are looking fantastic!
Hello fellow Planeteers,

The year of the snake hasn't brought great progress on the bench, mostly due to a number of unforeseen and incredible things that have come up in real life.
But at least Mister Suvorov's head is reunited with his body and some small progress has been made on the medals:

In the meantime work is slowly progressing on Talant's horse archer:


Hopefully picking up speed in the coming months!


Hi Pierre

Sorry to hear things have been happening , wishing better times to you all

Nice to see the progress shots and Mr S with a head , the medals are starting to come alive no well

As for the Talant some lovely patterning on that archer .....fine detail work

Look forward to seeing more when poss

Happy brushes

No worries Kevin,

Nothing serious or sad going on, just unforeseen and time consuming.
In short:
* Retrieving our son's stolen car in Molenbeek, an Albanian maffia infested area of Brussels, called "Hellhole" by Mister Donald T of Great America.
* Preparing ourselves for the wedding of one of our daughters
* My former employer requiring my services!
* Preparing my grey army and library for a massive culling and sale or donation.

Sounds fun and innocent, but details are not for the general public! 🥳

Congrats on the occasion of your daughter's wedding Pierre.What a happy moment for the family!As for your painting,nothing more to add,top notch as usual.

Excellent progress on both projects, really nice painting all round.
Sorry to hear you've not been able to get to your bench as often as you'd like.
I'm liking the progress on both pieces.

A little progress on old Suvorov's medals in the undercut between the coat lapels. There is still a lot of work on them and the breast stars, the aiguillette and the man's hairdo and face, but the most difficult is done.

At the same time, Talant's samurai archer was reunited with his head, always a happy occasion, and the ō-sode were attached. there is still work to do on the weaponry, the obi and stirrups. Of course the bow did what resin bow usually do, i.e. break and I spent some time making a decent bow from flattened copper wire and fitting it in his left hand, to be attached later.

IMG_0358.jpeg IMG_0360.jpeg

Thanks for looking,