Samurai Archer


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Le Lancier

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2004
Quebec City
I have just begun a new project. Here is what it is in detail. I'll keep you posted on my progress.




I just got this kit myself. I'm interested to see what you do with it. The detailing is nice, but the flagstones on the base seem small. I like the use of the raked gravel, though.

Hi Mike, and Kisifer,

Well, no pressure here ;) I feel like I'm being watched hehehe.

Well, mike, the kit is alright. So far, I've primed the body and cleaned mold lines from some parts. The bow is extremely delicate. The task of removing mold lines from it is very demanding. I've had to reshape the bow a few times. Among the armor plates fitted to the waist of the figure, the rear one will necessitate quite a bit of work. The cordon around the waist of the samurai is tied on the lower back. The ends of the cordon are molded on that armor plate whereas the rest of the cordon is molded around the waist. There is a clear gap in the cord at the point where the armor plate joins with the body. Something which will have to be reworked with the old epoxy putty... :(
Francis,bon jour mon ami, very beautiful kit,I know you will do a good job, looking forward to seeing it painted. ;)


Roc :)
I am glad that you are doing this figure Francis, I was wondering how it looked detail wise as I thought about ordering it. I look forward to seeing you bring it alive with your brushes.
Francis--I have this guy also but he isn't even primed yet so it'll be fun to watch over your shoulder. I bought the Andrea English crossbowman
(the one who sorta resembles Wayne Gretzky) at the same time & it's interesting that you're having to do some refitting & filling. I've had the same problem with the crossbowman. I've painted 3 or 4 Andrea figures & so far, only the samurai archer & the crossbowman seem to need help with fitting everything together. Good luck with the archer.
Thanx everyone for your words of encouragement. It seems that this particular figure has a circle of admirers. Well, Here's where i'm at as far as assembly is concerned. Note the second picture, I've pointed the problem areas I've found so far. Waiting for my first application of putty to dry before attempting anything else.



Any of you guys have the Warriors and Warlords volume by Angus McBride? There is a magnificient illustration of samurai archers on horse back repelling a Mongol invasion. This work of art is quite inspiring for the colours i will be choosing for my project.

Hey Mike, did you mean this crossbowman?


If so, it appears we have similar tastes in figures :)

Thx Jason,

Man, this guy is doing some extensive mods on this figure. Well, I don't think I will go that far. I was already planing to modify the bow, since it lacked the ringed reinforcements along its length. The ample sleeves and the cords added to the right side of the archers armor are interesting mods. I think I'll look into that. Thanks a million for the link. It's unfortunate that M.Rodriguez never finished his article on the matter though. :(
So this is what I've found so far, based on M. Rodrigez's findings.

Yes, the right arm of the archer is too close to the body, Japanese archers held their pulling arm away from their bodies as shown on these pictures;



Notice also that the bow is held leaning forward, away from the archers head. Unlike the figures bow, which is leaning towards the archer. Hopefully, this is something I can remedy.
Yes it's a shame Augie has not posted anymore progress shots of this figure, he often has several projects on the go at one time and will leave one untouched for several months, a fresh post may well be worthwhile to see if any more progress has been made. I have not had much correspondance with him lately as I have been doing very little painting.

Should you have any questions about this figure or samurai in general, Augie is the man to ask, he has a vast knowledge of the subject.

I agree that the bow is in the wrong position as well as being the wrong shape.

Yep, that's him. Wayne Gretzky armed & dangerous :eek: . I should be done with him in another month or so. In the dryfitting process, his shield, (I forget it's proper name) quiver & sword won't fit together on the figure w/o a little creative positioning. The small piece of chainmail hanging beneath his tunic on the front wasn't a real smooth fit either. On the plus side, the cocking mechanism doesn't seem to be a problem.

Hi Mike,

The shield in question is called a pavis, I believe. If you like this type of figure, Pegaso and White Models offer similar kits at a larger scale. I've had the pleasure of painting Pegaso's offering, a 90mm white metal beauty;


White Model's offering is also quite stunning:

Hopefully, I can get my hands on the latter some day. ;)
Well, this baby ends up being more of a challenge than I thought. Lots of changes to be made.


Here, the right arm has been cut at the rist and oposite the elbow in order to realign properly


The preassembled figure, both arms have been repositioned, the bow reshaped. Now, to remodel the sleeves to give them more volume. And all I wanted to do is paint the thing, aaarrrggg!!!! :angry: :lol: