Scale 75 another time victim of PC by so called social media activists


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"Yes, and the list seems to be growing ever longer. And not just in our hobby. We seem to have entered a new age of puritanism, censorship and historical revisionism, with everyone having to be increasingly careful of what they say and how they say it, lest they incur the wrath of these (self-appointed) custodians of this new social morality and the Professionally Offended. I find that troubling.

Even more troubling is how as a society we've sleep-walked into it and allowed these finger-wagging, virtue-signalling fanatics and their views to go mainstream, instead of staying fenced off on the lunatic fringe where they belong. And I reckon that things are only going to get worse before they start to get better."

Wow! You really nailed it spot on, Steve! (y)


I think the way forward is to let the manufacturers know that we support them but if they cave to a few left loons, they risk losing that support.
Sooner or later, one of these snowflakes will attend a show and go off on someones display re: something that offends them...hope it is mine.
Here in the USA these people are a constant threat to our way of life...we cannot let it take root in our hobby.
...Scale75 could even still release the plinth plates (which they marketed as medals and seemed to be part of the over reaction)...

Thank you for mentioning that detail, which no one else seems to have found.

This topic was raised in a toy soldier forum to which I belong, and someone noted that those plates resembled, or suggested, the NSDAP lapel pins that party members wore, and it was that which set the critics off, not the fact that the series depicted Luftwaffe pilots.
At the time of writing, the people of Scale75 are not sure if they will produce the busts or not. I contacted them to point out that there are as yet no busts of Pips Priller or Walter Ehle on the market, that's about all one can do. Having to ponder every word, every initiative, even every thought to avoid the wrath of the self-righteous snowflake generation doesn't make one feel any younger! But then again, old soldiers never die, they just fade away. So I for one will keep painting what I like, PC or not!

Thank you for mentioning that detail, which no one else seems to have found.

This topic was raised in a toy soldier forum to which I belong, and someone noted that those plates resembled, or suggested, the NSDAP lapel pins that party members wore, and it was that which set the critics off, not the fact that the series depicted Luftwaffe pilots.

And this was also why my original comment mentions about seeing how the original Kickstarter was marketed.

The whole thing really was a mistake in the way things were portrayed and wording. But if you hadn't seen it you wouldn't know.
I think it’s also a matter of ‘lack of knowledge’. If someone is totally unaware of the hobby called figure painting I can actaully imagine someone frowning upon a finely painted ss soldier. One has to know the hobby and what kind of humble, quiet, peaceful (cliché alert) guy practices it before it can be given it’s harmless place.
This still doesn’t make it right to raise so many bells, but I wouldn’t only call it PC behaviour. Without any understanding of the hobby it can look odd.

Of course, wandering through the aisles at SMC or Euro or any other modelers convention and looking at the throngs of happy smiling people, hoarding their latest acquisition, eyes gleaming like kids in a candy store, you immediately sense the dreadful potential for violence and threatening terrorism hiding beneath these benign scenes!:D:D:D

still pissed off but mending
Just wait until the PC brigade realise how many of these dreaded models are produced in the dreaded PLASTIC, OK I know it will mainly affect the AFV/vehicle part of the hobby but sooner or later the hobby will get blamed in part for global pollution.

Supress reality and sooner or later reality will be denied.

Thank God (your choice) I'm getting older.

The whole thing really was a mistake in the way things were portrayed and wording. But if you hadn't seen it you wouldn't know.

And as stated before, that is no excuse or justification for abuse and threats.

Don't like it? Don't like what it (in your own mind anyway) represents? Then just don't buy it. It really is that simple.

- Steve
Supress reality and sooner or later reality will be denied

It's already being suppressed and denied Geoff.

Look no further than all the "trans" nonsense that's recently entered the mainstream on the back of some very strange pseudo-science. There are now literally dozens of made-up, fantasy genders to choose from, and anyone calling bullshit on this ridiculous fad is aggressively howled down as "bigoted" or "transphobic".

It's now even being actively pedalled in schools to kids as young as 4 years old (because it's "progressive" you see), and that I find very worrying.

- Steve
The world seems to have become full of those who are enthusiastic about being offended on someone else's behalf. I have spent my working life working in a multi-ethnic environment, and have yet to find any non-Christians offended by Christmas, yet there are those who are keen to celebrate 'Winterfell' on their behalf instead.

As regards the figures, I do find it fascinating that the figures that sell most seem to be the losers, both Napoleonic and Nazis. It would be nice to see a series of Allied pilots and their tailfins, likewise the obsession with the Kreigsmarine U-boat captains as opposed to the very successful RN submarine branch captains &c.


It's now even being actively pedalled in schools to kids as young as 4 years old (because it's "progressive" you see), and that I find very worrying.

There's an article in this week's British Medical Journal regarding this.

..I guess that's me banned when I post my current Luftwaffe Unteroffizer..that's got 7 swastika's on it !!....CRAZY


You certainly couldn't show it at Herzog von Bayern Kev , well you could have but the swastikas would be covered up as that emblem is banned in Germany
The world seems to have become full of those who are enthusiastic about being offended on someone else's behalf. I have spent my working life working in a multi-ethnic environment, and have yet to find any non-Christians offended by Christmas, yet there are those who are keen to celebrate 'Winterfell' on their behalf instead.

As regards the figures, I do find it fascinating that the figures that sell most seem to be the losers, both Napoleonic and Nazis. It would be nice to see a series of Allied pilots and their tailfins, likewise the obsession with the Kreigsmarine U-boat captains as opposed to the very successful RN submarine branch captains &c.



There's an article in this week's British Medical Journal regarding this.

What the hell is winter fell :confused: that's a new one on me . Anyway why don't we all go back to celebrating the winter Solstice and the return of the sun .makes more sense as at least we can celebrate something we can actually see and know exists .
Sorry - I meant Winterval. I still haven't got over the dreadful ending to G.O.T.!

I was following this latest Kickstarter campaign from Scale 75 and was ready to, “pull the pin” on a pledge level when the sudden announcement of its cancelation was posted. (I pledged for their earlier campaigns for the U-boat and Chronicles of Run series also.) I was very disappointed that they did and the only thing that I observed from their presentation that I thought might upset the less figure painting knowledgeable crowd was the one page where they displayed Luftwaffe memorabilia along with the vignettes.
They had a Luftwaffe marked helmet, several air medals and a believe a ceremonial dagger as well. I could see people taking the wrong meaning from this and forcing Kickstarter to pull it. I most certainly agree with the majority here that this amounts to censorship of the remembrance of history that we as figure artists try to recreate.
I hope that Scale 75 markets these items on their site. The weathering sets they were adding to complete the vignettes I would hope would not offend anyone, but in this day and age who knows, maybe the earth tones were too, “racial” :ROFLMAO:

I was following this latest Kickstarter campaign from Scale 75 and was ready to, “pull the pin” on a pledge level when the sudden announcement of its cancelation was posted. (I pledged for their earlier campaigns for the U-boat and Chronicles of Run series also.) I was very disappointed that they did and the only thing that I observed from their presentation that I thought might upset the less figure painting knowledgeable crowd was the one page where they displayed Luftwaffe memorabilia along with the vignettes.
They had a Luftwaffe marked helmet, several air medals and a believe a ceremonial dagger as well. I could see people taking the wrong meaning from this and forcing Kickstarter to pull it. I most certainly agree with the majority here that this amounts to censorship of the remembrance of history that we as figure artists try to recreate.
I hope that Scale 75 markets these items on their site. The weathering sets they were adding to complete the vignettes I would hope would not offend anyone, but in this day and age who knows, maybe the earth tones were too, “racial” :ROFLMAO:

maybe the earth tones were too, “racial

Your damn right they are "Brown earth "
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