I was following this latest Kickstarter campaign from Scale 75 and was ready to, “pull the pin” on a pledge level when the sudden announcement of its cancelation was posted. (I pledged for their earlier campaigns for the U-boat and Chronicles of Run series also.) I was very disappointed that they did and the only thing that I observed from their presentation that I thought might upset the less figure painting knowledgeable crowd was the one page where they displayed Luftwaffe memorabilia along with the vignettes.
They had a Luftwaffe marked helmet, several air medals and a believe a ceremonial dagger as well. I could see people taking the wrong meaning from this and forcing Kickstarter to pull it. I most certainly agree with the majority here that this amounts to censorship of the remembrance of history that we as figure artists try to recreate.
I hope that Scale 75 markets these items on their site. The weathering sets they were adding to complete the vignettes I would hope would not offend anyone, but in this day and age who knows, maybe the earth tones were too, “racial”