Scale 75 another time victim of PC by so called social media activists


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"And it begins. The gaming community is being destroyed by this PC BS."


Another one of my hobbies is boardgaming, to which I'm slowly returning after a very long pause.
Have been looking into new boardgames, reading and posting in a couple of Forums focused on the subject, and so far haven't noticed, not yet anyway, the PC BS you mention.

Unless it's on other types of games, fantasy games maybe? IDK, as my favorite kind being historical WWII battles, and the whole WWII in general, and as I say haven't noticed (not yet anyway) no re-witting of History from this particular time period. Which I believe is the time period that led to this issue with Scale75.

"Rest assured it’s just a very vocal minority policing thought but many companies are still bowing to them nonetheless."

I agree that it's just a very vocal tiny minority who is provoking all this mayhem, but these people have some well known neo-liberal billionaires financing them, so I don't know if we can just rest assured that nothing will change. It's already changing... many companies (in many different areas, from figures and miniatures manufacturers to alleged anthropogenic climate changes, you name it), bowing to them, as you rightfully mention, being the best example that they are achieving their goals...


Since these people have, allegedly, the courage of their convictions...let us know who you are and why you think you should be able to prevent us from pursuing our hobby.
Will not buy from Scale 75 until they produce the figure in question.
When you burn books (or figures,companies etc) you are a nazi.Wether you do it under a swastica or under a Political Correctness sign is irrelevant,you are still a nazi.We should never let such easily offended people (snowflakes???) tear our beloved hobby apart.What's next?Perhaps burning books on Wehrmacht uniforms?Perhaps burning books altogether?I mean who needs them?The Social Media dictatorship of PC fools can tell us what to think so no need for books.:mad:

It’s been happening in the wargaming community. But it’s Role Playing Games where the level to twattery has reached stratospheric heights. The online community is plagued my pretty much daily outrage cries over token issues coupled with ostracizing and banning of anyone who questions the insanity. One well known forum (the largest actually) has a policy to ban any Trump supporters. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a critic of his but that type of action is naziism at its finest. The hypocrisy makes me sick.

Someone mentioned the German laws against use of the swastika. If the German leadership thinks they can erase their shameful past by criminalizing something as benign as modeling, they’re mistaken and deluded.
There's been a lot of emotive language here which, in itself, is indicative of the modern dilemma. Essentially, we have
an organisation who makes money from generating advanced subscriptions in order to fund the production of model
figures. By definition it therefore depends on the opinion and reaction of the public who provide the money. If that
public - or rather a particular section of it - for whatever reason starts ranting about the subject matter of the model
in question, then they have no choice but to pull the plug. When you operate under the aegis of often fickle, sometimes
misinformed, and even bigoted public opinion, you just have to go with the flow, no matter how stupid or how irritating
that may be. I seldom listen to public opinion on whatever media platform it is expressed - I find it too tedious......

Some good comments

its a commercial action by the company ...listening to customers ...or at least potential ones for their releases .....entirely their decision

Personally a shame but it is what it is ...lets hope this response doesn't affect future releases and sales

Off to paint a bust

its a commercial action by the company ...listening to customers ...

That's the charitable explanation Kev.

I see it more as a company being intimidated by a shrill, fanatical minority. A phenomenon that we're (sadly) seeing an increasing amount of these days as more and more companies, organisations and individuals are forced into making grovelling apologies after falling foul of the Offendotrons.

- Steve
Just to ask...

How many of the people complaining about this Kickstarter being cancelled actually were backing the Kickstarter?

Also, if Scale75 just alter their approach they will still be able to release these figures and likely the book too. It's all about marketing.

At the same time too this has gained them a lot of free advertising and likely some new customers too.
The people I know of cut their ties with Scale75 for personal reasons which I respect and should do too.

That's a personal decision for them so no problem. But as I'm sure you recall from last time it went much further than that with demands for boycotts etc.

How many of the people complaining about this Kickstarter being cancelled actually were backing the Kickstarter? ........ It's all about marketing.

Well I wasn't even aware of the kickstarter until I saw this thread, but that's hardly the point. The issue is that a company felt compelled to withdraw its product after receiving abuse and threats.

Irrespective of what you think of their marketing technique, that sort of thing is totally unacceptable and there is no excuse for it.

- Steve
Personally, I don't care what people buy/paint, that's their choice, if I don't like it, I don't buy it but I don't tell others that they should not paint that or buy that cos it 'may' offend someone

Agree there Bob

If you like it then you buy it , paint it and enjoy it


To ALL keep comments in relation to the topic
Hopefully Scale75 will at least produce the busts of Pips Priller and Walter Ehle for they have never been done before as far as I know. Hartmann and Marseille have their busts done by MJ and Dolman respectively.

Just to ask...

How many of the people complaining about this Kickstarter being cancelled actually were backing the Kickstarter?

Also, if Scale75 just alter their approach they will still be able to release these figures and likely the book too. It's all about marketing.

At the same time too this has gained them a lot of free advertising and likely some new customers too.

If Scale 75`s withdrawal could have been regarded as "listening to customers" I could see your point.
Fact is that Scale 75 already had surpassed their goal on kickstarter and were succesful in marketing their product but were forced to withdraw it by threats and insults.
Not they have to alter their approach IMHO but the the people that interfered.
Scale 75 did certainly not ask for this kind of free advertisement and surely would have preferred to release their products.
One day this scum might be standing in front of your display and tell you what you can paint up and build and what you have to avoid. Hopefully you will then enjoy all the free attention and input by these visitors and gratefully remove all the pieces they tell you to better not leave on your table if you want to get out of it unharmed....
It’s been happening in the wargaming community. But it’s Role Playing Games where the level to twattery has reached stratospheric heights. The online community is plagued my pretty much daily outrage cries over token issues coupled with ostracizing and banning of anyone who questions the insanity. One well known forum (the largest actually) has a policy to ban any Trump supporters. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a critic of his but that type of action is naziism at its finest. The hypocrisy makes me sick.

Someone mentioned the German laws against use of the swastika. If the German leadership thinks they can erase their shameful past by criminalizing something as benign as modeling, they’re mistaken and deluded.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the reply and clarifications (y)

Fully understand what you mean and couldn't agree more with all your points.

I did play a couple of RPG on boardgames format many years ago (Dune, and Middle Earth RPG, both on French versions), and quite a few RP computer games, mostly back in the 90's, early 2000's.
Have never played some of the more wargames-like RPGs, such as Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, etc.
As previously mentioned I'm on a more classic/traditional branch within the boardgaming community, WWII, especially the Eastern Front, and particularly the Battle of Stalingrad, being my main focus of interest.
On the main Forum where I read the news and post (CSW), as I say I haven't noticed nothing of this kind of PC maniacs spreading their BS. I was away from this hobby for a few decades, only very occasionally checking for updates on some games I have, and only recently restarted posting and re-playing a couple of games, and it all seems quiet, no big waves of "change", nor any PC nazism noticed so far. Thank God! :happy:

Anyway, back to the topic, I've read not long ago a thread here on PF about a (IMHO bad taste) figure depicting a female Doctor with a syringe and nazi symbols... Well, not my type of figure, so I'd never buy that one. But maybe others like or would enjoy painting it, so it's not up to me to criticize or launch some campaign against the release of that figure!
I've painted many nazi German figures, and so what? It definitely doesn't make me a nazi sympathizer! It's the historical side that interests me, not the ideologies.

I wasn't aware of this kickstarter that motivated all this hate chain of reactions, so don't even know which figures are the target of this PC minority.
But I do see them acting all over on many other issues, and it definitely worries me that a tiny minority of people are trying to impose their biased views on everyone else. The problem is that only a few among the silent majority are fighting back, and these few people don't have the financial support of some neo-liberal billionaires behind them, as the PC BS ones do!
Hence my fear that if we do nothing now, in the near future it might be too late to take action!... Just my 2 cents worthy rumbling ;) At my age I'm mostly worried for the younger generations and what they may have to endure because our lack of action now...


One day this scum might be standing in front of your display and tell you what you can paint up and build and what you have to avoid. Hopefully you will then enjoy all the free attention and input by these visitors and gratefully remove all the pieces they tell you to better not leave on your table if you want to get out of it unharmed....

People already try that.

I have a good friend who got flack for entering the 90mm Hitler figure from Andrea which he painted excellently. He is no Nazi follower and has also painted a bust of Anne Frank.

People should be allowed to paint miniatures they like without coming under attack. However; freedom of speech goes both ways so if you want to put something into competition which may offend some people then be ready for comments. And I don't just include Nazi related miniatures in that. Female figures with massive breast hanging out, Donald Trump, scenes of beheading, etc. can set someone off.

Scale75 made the decision to pull it (although some have mentioned Kickstarter actually stopped it) and that was their decision.

The people I know who cut ties with Scale75 over this are actually of Jewish heritage so that I can understand.
Many who have spoken out over it I feel have over reacted.
But to start threatening about "PC brigade" and "snowflakes" is honestly just as much an over reaction.

Scale75 could still release the sculpts.
Scale75 could still release the book.
Scale75 could even still release the plinth plates (which they marketed as medals and seemed to be part of the over reaction).

They just need to look at how they market things a bit better before launching.
However; freedom of speech goes both ways so if you want to put something into competition which may offend some people then be ready for comments.

That's just it though, it's not just comments. It's abuse and threats, which takes things to a whole new level.

And I don't just include Nazi related miniatures in that. Female figures with massive breast hanging out, Donald Trump, scenes of beheading, etc. can set someone off.

Yes, and the list seems to be growing ever longer. And not just in our hobby. We seem to have entered a new age of puritanism, censorship and historical revisionism, with everyone having to be increasingly careful of what they say and how they say it, lest they incur the wrath of these (self-appointed) custodians of this new social morality and the Professionally Offended. I find that troubling.

Even more troubling is how as a society we've sleep-walked into it and allowed these finger-wagging, virtue-signalling fanatics and their views to go mainstream, instead of staying fenced off on the lunatic fringe where they belong. And I reckon that things are only going to get worse before they start to get better.

- Steve
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