Looking good so far.All you modifications and additions are blended smoothly to the existing figure.Very good start.
You've really aced that horse, Paul. I really enjoy seeing some of the conversion work done to Historex (& Airfix) horses, comes from reading Bill Ottinger's book & some of the incredible work Sid Horton did with Airfix horses in his Charge of the Light Brigade series for Airfix Magazine in the 1970s.
Thanks both

I remember Sid's figures Chris (although I can't believe that they were really that long ago!) and I often refer to Bill Ottinger's book (which is an inspiring read for any figure modeller with lots of useful information and descriptions - well worth picking up if you get the chance even for a non-Napoleonic modeller)
Hi Oh Leggy one
You are a little clever fellow ........as Oda says nice putty blending there
Think I read somewhere about the Historex horses being thin generally
Carry on young 'un
Look forward to more ....this is going to be good ...even with the legs ...lol
Happy benchtime
Cheers Busty - You're right and your memory isn't failing you. The Historex steeds are very slim and elegant and usually need a bit of beefing up (All described in Bill O's book which Chris refers to) Generally I prefer the Airfix horses which look, to my eyes at least, nearer to 'real' horses.
Managed to get some more time in yesterday and hopefully make a bit more progress later on a few of the legs so you may wish to avert your eyes for the next post or two
