Sergey Popovichenko
PlanetFigure Supporter
Friends, welcome. I recently received a package with a bunch of figures from Altores.
Thanks to Alexander Pashin for his work and efficiency.
So, a review of the first figure. This is a representative of the "Roman" series, in which at the moment there are 3 figures - signifer, kornits and legionnaire.
I'll start with signifer.
The figure is presented in two sizes - 54 and 75mm. What is possible due to the fact that the original model is made in 3D. Sculptor - Vladimir Sychev.
Brief historical background from Wiki.
"Signifer (lat. signum - sign, ferre - carry) - a junior officer in the ancient Roman army, who carried the emblem of the cohort, maniple and centuria - signum. Each centuria in the legion had its own signifer, so there were 59 of them in the legion. The signifer of the cohort was signifer of her first centuria.
The signum was a long wooden pole topped with a gilded spear or a figure of an open human palm in a round wreath - manus, meaning the oath of allegiance taken by the soldiers. There is a version that the signums with a human palm as a pommel belonged to maniples, and those with a pommel in the form of a spear belonged to cohorts and centuries. Below was a plate with the name and number of the part, as well as the awards with which she was awarded - silver and gold discs (falers) and wreaths.
The Signifer of the Centuria was also treasurer, who was responsible for paying the soldiers' salaries, safeguarding their savings, and managing the unit's financial management.
The external difference of the signifer was a bear or wolf skin, worn over a helmet with paws tied around the neck. The armament consisted of a sword (gladius), a dagger (pugio). As protective equipment, the signifers used chain mail or scaly armor and a small round shield (parma), which was worn on the side of the belt.
The figure is quite consistent with the established image of the signifer. Personally, I have no claims to historicity.
The liveliness of 3D performed by Vladimir Sychev, as well as the detailing of the sculpture, is at a height unattainable for many sculptors. His handwriting is already recognizable. And every time he changes something in the approach to detailing, taking into account past experience.
Casting quality is also excellent.
Personal impressions - the figure is amazing, one of the best representatives of miniatures.
Another figure for me, to refuse the acquisition of which is impossible.
This review is also available on my Patreon
Well, enough words, look at the photo.

Thanks to Alexander Pashin for his work and efficiency.
So, a review of the first figure. This is a representative of the "Roman" series, in which at the moment there are 3 figures - signifer, kornits and legionnaire.
I'll start with signifer.
The figure is presented in two sizes - 54 and 75mm. What is possible due to the fact that the original model is made in 3D. Sculptor - Vladimir Sychev.
Brief historical background from Wiki.
"Signifer (lat. signum - sign, ferre - carry) - a junior officer in the ancient Roman army, who carried the emblem of the cohort, maniple and centuria - signum. Each centuria in the legion had its own signifer, so there were 59 of them in the legion. The signifer of the cohort was signifer of her first centuria.
The signum was a long wooden pole topped with a gilded spear or a figure of an open human palm in a round wreath - manus, meaning the oath of allegiance taken by the soldiers. There is a version that the signums with a human palm as a pommel belonged to maniples, and those with a pommel in the form of a spear belonged to cohorts and centuries. Below was a plate with the name and number of the part, as well as the awards with which she was awarded - silver and gold discs (falers) and wreaths.
The Signifer of the Centuria was also treasurer, who was responsible for paying the soldiers' salaries, safeguarding their savings, and managing the unit's financial management.
The external difference of the signifer was a bear or wolf skin, worn over a helmet with paws tied around the neck. The armament consisted of a sword (gladius), a dagger (pugio). As protective equipment, the signifers used chain mail or scaly armor and a small round shield (parma), which was worn on the side of the belt.
The figure is quite consistent with the established image of the signifer. Personally, I have no claims to historicity.
The liveliness of 3D performed by Vladimir Sychev, as well as the detailing of the sculpture, is at a height unattainable for many sculptors. His handwriting is already recognizable. And every time he changes something in the approach to detailing, taking into account past experience.
Casting quality is also excellent.
Personal impressions - the figure is amazing, one of the best representatives of miniatures.
Another figure for me, to refuse the acquisition of which is impossible.
This review is also available on my Patreon
Well, enough words, look at the photo.